User:Muro Bot
呢個係由Muro de Aguas(傾偈)同埋es(talk)行嘅機械人。
呢個係一個正當嘅另類戶口幫我哋做啲重覆、冗長嘅工夫。 管理員:如果呢隻機械人失控或者搞搞震,請鎖住佢。 |
Hi! I'm a bot operated by the user Muro de Aguas, who is a sysop of the Spanish Wikipedia. Report any errors here. ak:User:Muro Bot
呢個係由Muro de Aguas(傾偈)同埋es(talk)行嘅機械人。
呢個係一個正當嘅另類戶口幫我哋做啲重覆、冗長嘅工夫。 管理員:如果呢隻機械人失控或者搞搞震,請鎖住佢。 |
Hi! I'm a bot operated by the user Muro de Aguas, who is a sysop of the Spanish Wikipedia. Report any errors here. ak:User:Muro Bot