
口痕搵嘢食(英文:grazing [註 1]),或者叫口痕摷嘢食,係一種食嘢相關嘅人類行為規律。如果話一個人口痕搵嘢食,意思係指呢個人重複又冇計劃噉走去搵嘢食,次次都只係少量噉食,而且明明唔覺餓都走去搵。口痕搵嘢食可以係一種唔想做都忍唔住去做嘅行為[1],個人好多時食咗之後會感到內疚等嘅負面感受,因而為個人造成心理壓力[2]。
[編輯]呢種行為就噉睇好似冇咩大不了,但係一個人每次口痕搵嘢食都可以搞到佢一日多咗 200 至 300 卡路里。每日食兩三次已經會積少成多,多咗 600 至 900 卡路里—普通嘅成年女人每日需要 2000 卡路里左右,而普通嘅成年男人每日就需要 2500 卡路里左右[3],即係話一個人習慣咗口痕搵嘢食,分分鐘(喺卡路里攝取上)等同每日食多咗一餐咁滯。
[編輯]- ↑ Conceição, E. M., Mitchell, J. E., Engel, S. G., Machado, P. P., Lancaster, K., & Wonderlich, S. A. (2014). What is "grazing"? Reviewing its definition, frequency, clinical characteristics, and impact on bariatric surgery outcomes, and proposing a standardized definition. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 10(5), 973-982,呢篇綜述文提咗:"We suggest grazing to be defined as an eating behavior characterized by the repetitive eating of small/modest amounts of food in an unplanned manner and/or not in response to hunger/satiety sensations.",亦可以睇睇佢個 Table 3。
- ↑ Reas, D. L., Wisting, L., Kapstad, H., & Lask, B. (2012). Nibbling: frequency and relationship to BMI, pattern of eating, and shape, weight, and eating concerns among university women. Eating behaviors, 13(1), 65-66.
- ↑ Calories. National Library of Medicine.
- ↑ Kofman, M. D., Lent, M. R., & Swencionis, C. (2010). Maladaptive eating patterns, quality of life, and weight outcomes following gastric bypass: results of an Internet survey. Obesity, 18(10), 1938-1943.