
亞福帕特(Arvo Pärt) | |
演奏者 |
亞福帕特(Arvo Pärt,IPA:ˈɑr̺vɔ ˈpær̺t,1935年9月11號—)係二十世紀愛沙尼亞作曲家,喺 Paide 出世。佢嘅作品包括 Kanon Pokajanen、De Profondis、Te Deum、Passio、Tabula Rasa 等,以合唱聖樂最為人所知。有人叫渠嘅風格做「神聖簡約主義」[1]。
[編輯]- 「就喺愛沙尼亞,亞福嘅感覺同我地啲一模一樣[2][...] 我鍾意渠啲音樂,我鍾意渠嘅勇氣同天份。[...]渠同時代精神[3]完全脱節,但係又咁鬼受歡迎,真係發人深省。渠啲音樂滿足人心深處嘅需要,同潮流一啲關係都無。 —Steve Reich
帕特七歲開始喺 Rakvere嘅音樂學校學音樂,十四五歲時開始作曲。渠喺(愛沙尼亞首府)塔林音樂學院同Heino Eller老師學音樂時,有人話渠:「似乎 fing 吓衫袖就有啲音符跌落來」。當時好少聽到蘇聯以外嘅音樂,只有幾餅水貨帶同埋樂譜。
帕特嘅創作大概可分成兩段時期。早期俾簫斯達高維契、普羅歌菲夫、巴托影嚮,屬於好嚴肅嘅新古典派。後期,佢用咗荀伯克嘅十二音列技法同埋序列主義,激嬲咗當時蘇聯啲當權者,結果亦證明行唔通。同佢寫傳個 Paul Hillier 話:
- 「……渠完全失落到覺得音樂最無用,連寫一粒音符嘅信心同意志都無。」
此後帕特啲音樂徹底唔同曬。渠叫呢啲做tintinnabuli -好似鐘聲咁。呢啲音樂嘅特徵係簡單嘅和聲結構、好多無裝飾嘅單音同埋基本嘅三音和弦--令人聯想鐘聲--、節奏簡單而唔變。可見早期音樂嘅影響。另外,帕特係呢段時期譜咗好多教會斯拉夫語(Slavonic)同拉丁文聖樂。多數聽眾以呢啲後期音樂認識帕特。
Manfred Eicher 喺1984年錄咗帕特 幾篇作品,歐西地區因而開始注意。 帕特曾經話過渠的音樂猶如光通過三棱鏡:每人理解音樂都唔同,夾埋好似成譜彩虹咁多種音樂體驗。
好幾齣戲,由1962年嘅"Väike motoroller"到2004年嘅 "Promised Land" 用過帕特啲音樂。 憶布列頓被Léos Carax用喺1991年嘅Les Amants du Pont-Neuf道,而被Michael Moore's喺 Fahrenheit 9/11用來襯托2001年9月11號紐約市嘅場面。Spiegel im Spiegel被 Mike Nichols用喺2001年嘅 Wit道、2003年爬山紀錄片Touching the Void 道、同Gus van Sant 2003年嘅 Gerry道,呢道亦用咗Für Alina。
帕特篇新作For Lennart,喺2006年4月2號愛沙尼亞總統Lennart Meri嘅葬禮道有奏。
[編輯]- Our Garden, Cantata for children's chorus and orchestra (1959/2003)
- Credo for chorus ----樂團同鋼琴獨奏 (1968)
- Wallfahrtslied for tenor or baritone and string orchestra (1984/2000)
- Te Deum for chorus, string orchestra and tape (1984-5, rev 1992)
- Berlin Mass for chorus and organ or string orchestra (1992)
- Litany for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1994)
- Como cierva sedienta for soprano, chorus and orchestra (1998)
- Cantiques des degrés for chorus and orchestra (1999/2002)
- Cecilia, vergine romana for chorus and orchestra (1999/2002)
- In Principio for chorus and orchestra (2003)
[編輯]- An den Wassern zu Babel saßen wir und weinten for voices or choir and organ or ensemble (1976/1984)
- Sarah Was Ninety Years Old for three voices, percussion and organ (1977/1990)
- De profundis for chorus, percussion and organ (1980)
- Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem for soloists, vocal ensemble, choir and instrumental ensemble (1982)
- Es sang vor langen Jahren for alto, violin and viola (1984)
- Wallfahrtslied for tenor or baritone and string quartet (1984)
- Stabat Mater for 3 voices and string trio (1985)
- 悲憐經 (Miserere) for 獨唱者(soli)、合唱、樂隊(ensemble) (1989)
- Zwei Wiegenlieder for two women’s voices and piano (2002)
- L'Abbé Agathon 女高音、四支中提琴、四支大提琴(2004/2005)
[編輯]- Missa syllabica for chorus and organ (1977)
- Summa for chorus (1977)
- Magnificat for chorus (1989)
- Bogoroditse Djevo for chorus (1990)
- Dopo la Vittoria for chorus (1996)
- 慚悔卷(??) ( Kanon Pokajanen)-- 合唱 (1997)
- Triodion for chorus (1998)
- Which Was the Son of... (2000)
- Nunc Dimittis for chorus (2001)
- Peace upon you, Jerusalem for female chorus (2002)
[編輯]- Nekrolog for orchestra op.5 (1960)
- Symphony No.1 for orchestra op.9 (1963)
- Perpetuum mobile for orchestra op.10 (1963)
- Symphony No.2 for orchestra (1966)
- Symphony No.3 for orchestra (1971)
- Wenn Bach Bienen gezüchtet hätte ... for piano, wind quintet, string orchestra and percussion (1976)
- Fratres for chamber ensemble (1976 and on, many versions)
- Arbos for brass and percussion (1977/1986)
- Cantus In Memoriam Benjamin Britten ---絃樂團同鐘(1977)
- Psalom --絃樂團 (1985/1995/1997)
- Festina Lente --絃樂團同豎琴 (1988)
- Summa --絃樂團 (1991)
- Silouans Song --絃樂團 (1991)
- Trisagion --絃樂團 (1992)
- Mein Weg 十四支絃樂器同敲擊 (1999)
- Orient & Occident --絃樂團 (2000)
- Lennartile / Für Lennart -- 絃樂團(2006)
- La Sindone for orchestra and percussion (2006)
[編輯]- Pro et Contra, Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1966, for Mstislav Rostropovich)
- Credo for chorus, orchestra, and piano solo (1968)
- Tabula Rasa, Double Concerto for two violins, string orchestra and prepared piano (1977)
- Fratres for violin, string orchestra and percussion (1992)
- Concerto piccolo über B-A-C-H for trumpet, string orchestra, harpsichord and piano (1994)
- Darf ich ... for violin, bells and string orchestra (1995/1999)
- Lamentate for piano and orchestra (2002)
[編輯]- Two Sonatinas, Op.1, for piano (1958)
- Für Alina for piano (1976)
- Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka for piano (1977)
- Spiegel Im Spiegel for violin or cello and piano (1978)
- Fratres for violin and piano (1980)
- Summa for string quartet (1990)
- Mozart-Adagio for violin, cello and piano (1992/1997, from Mozart's Piano Sonata in F major (K 280))
- Passacaglia for violin and piano (2003)
- Annum per Annum (organ)
- Pari Intervallo (organ)
[編輯]- Hillier, Paul. Arvo Pärt. (Oxford : University Press, 1997). ISBN 0-19-816616-8
- Arvo Pärt — extensive site
- arvopart.info — another comprehensive site with current news
- David Pinkerton's Arvo Pärt archive — yet another extensive site, with some good analytical writing.
- Biography in MUSICMATCH Guide - Small biography and list of works.
- Arvo Pärt and the New Simplicity — text of a radio interview from October 11, 1998
- Pärt's page at Universal Editions — purchase scores and find out about performances of Part's music worldwide, plus detailed work list
- Steve Reich about Arvo Pärt, in an interview with Richard Williams, The Guardian, January 2, 2004
- Spike Magazine Interview
[編輯]- ↑ (sacred minimalism)
- ↑ (Even in Estonia, Arvo was getting the same feeling that we were all getting. '))
- ↑ (zeitgeist)
- ↑ (en:plainchant)
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