

起好1988年 喺Wikidata改呢個
國家澳洲 喺Wikidata改呢個
位處政區昆士蘭 喺Wikidata改呢個
地點柬兹 喺Wikidata改呢個
面積893,828.7 公頃、893,453 公頃 喺Wikidata改呢個
遺產名世界遺產、listed on the Australian National Heritage List、listed on the Australian National Heritage List 喺Wikidata改呢個
面積893,828.7 公頃、893,453 公頃 喺Wikidata改呢個
分咗做Wet Tropics of Queensland - Main component、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Malbon Thompson and Graham Range、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Curtain Fig、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Lake Barrine、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Lake Eacham、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Russell River、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Hugh Nelson Range、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Malaan、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Moresby Range、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Cowley、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Kurrimine Beach、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Mission Beach、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Edmund Kennedy、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Paluma Range 喺Wikidata改呢個
坐標Wet Tropics of Queensland - Main component、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Malbon Thompson and Graham Range、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Curtain Fig、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Lake Barrine、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Lake Eacham、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Russell River、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Hugh Nelson Range、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Malaan、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Moresby Range、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Cowley、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Kurrimine Beach、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Mission Beach、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Edmund Kennedy、Wet Tropics of Queensland - Component around Paluma Range 喺Wikidata改呢個
世界遺產基準(vii)、(viii)、(ix)、(x) 喺Wikidata改呢個



新南威爾士 澳洲監獄遺址1| 岡華拿雨林1| 藍山| 豪勳爵島群|悉尼歌劇院|威蘭德拉湖區
北領地   卡卡杜國家公園| 烏魯魯-卡塔丘塔國家公園
昆士蘭 澳洲哺乳動物化石遺址1| 澳洲化石哺乳動物遺址| 弗雷澤島| 岡華拿雨林1| 大堡礁| 昆士蘭濕熱帶
南澳洲   澳大利亞哺乳動物化石遺址1| 納拉庫特
塔斯曼尼亞 澳洲監獄遺址1 | 麥格理島 | 塔斯曼尼亞荒野
維多利亞   皇家展覽館| 卡爾頓花園| Budj Bim
西澳洲 澳洲監獄遺址1| 寧格羅海岸| 波奴魯魯國家公園| 鯊魚灣
海外領土   諾福島澳洲罪犯集中地1 | 克島同麥當奴群島