




  1. Ball, James Dyer (1901). The Shun-Tak Dialect: A Comparative Syllabary of the Shun-Tak and Cantonese Pronunciations, with Observations on the Variations in the Use of the Classifiers, Finals, and Other Words, and a Description of the Tones, &c., &c.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ball, James Dyer. "The Höng Shan or Macao Dialect". The China Review: pp. 501-531. {{cite journal}}: |pages= has extra text (help)
  3. Stedman; Lee (1888). A Chinese and English Phrase Book in the Canton Dialect. New York.
  4. 罗言发 (2013)。门粤语音系的历史变迁及其成因 (論文)。北京大学。
  5. Ball, James Dyer (1890). The San-Wúí Dialect: A Comparative Syllabary of the San-wúi and Cantonese Pronunciations, with Observations on the Variations in the Use of the Classifiers, Finals and Other Words, and a Description of the Tones. China mail Office. p. 18.
  6. Ball, James Dyer. "The Lhin Ning(新寧) Variation of Cantonese". The China Review: pp. 236-247. {{cite journal}}: |pages= has extra text (help)
  7. Ball, James Dyer (1890). The Tung-Kwún Dialect: a Comparative Syllabary of the Tung-Kwún and Cantonese Pronunciations: With Observations on the Variations in the Use of the Classifiers, Finals, and Other Words, and a Description of the Tones.
  8. Saunders, C. J. (1896–1897). "The Tungkwun Dialect of Cantonese". The China Review. 22.1: pp. 465-476. {{cite journal}}: |pages= has extra text (help)
  9. Lagarrue (1900). Éléments de Langue Chinoise Dialecte Cantonais. PARIS: ERNEST LEROUX.
  10. 江佳璐 (2009)。九世紀末中越邊境粵語的語音變異現象BULLETIN OF CHINESE LINGUISTICS
  11. August H. Bach. "The Country and People of Pakboi and hinterland."
  12. 罗言发 (2017)。广州话两百年来的语音变化节点耘语言学刊2: 347–357。