海狸鼠(學名:Myocastor coypus),又叫美洲巨水鼠、河狸鼠、狸獺、沼狸,係一種大型草食性半水生齧齒目哺乳類動物,原來被劃為硬毛鼠科,後來獨立出來成為海狸鼠科。海狸鼠嘅毛皮係一種名貴嘅衣料,成日用嚟做大衣、帽子、圍巾等嘅材料。 英文名「Nutria」喺西班牙文嘅本意其實係水獺嘅意思。
[編輯]- Mammals of Texas - Nutria Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份
- History, distribution and spread of coypu introductions worldwide; efforts to eradicate Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份 with links to other nutria sites
- Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries' coypu website Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份
- National Trappers - Nutria Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份
- Nutria Recipes Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份 developed for a nutria control program
- The Effect of Nutria on Marsh Loss in the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland Wayback Machine嘅版面存檔備份 undated USGS report
- [1] Report on coypus in the Pacific Northwest of North America.