珊族(San, Saan),又或者叫叢林人(Bushmen),係南非出現最早嘅現代人類,亦係擁有世上最古文化嘅部落,一直以狩獵為生,直到1950年先開始農耕[1]。考古學証實佢哋已經有成二萬二千年甚至更長嘅歷史,而遺傳學角度重認為佢哋係最早期嘅現代人類,最接近第一種人類嘅人種[2]。
[編輯]- ↑ Elizabeth Marshall Thomas (2006). The Old Way. ISBN 0-374-22552-4. Chapter 20 "The Present".
- ↑ Spencer Wells (2003). The Journey of Man. ISBN 0-691-11532-X. Pg. 56-58
- ↑ "WIMSA Annual Report 2004-05". WIMSA. p. 58. 原著喺18 March 2014歸檔. 喺18 March 2014搵到.
the term 'San' comes from the Haiǁom language and has been abbreviated in the following way ... Saa – Picking things up (food) from the ground (i.e. 'gathering'), Saab – A male person gathering, Saas – A female person gathering, Saan – Many people gathering, San – One way to write 'all of the people gathering'
- ↑ "The old Dutch also did not know that their so-called Hottentots formed only one branch of a wide-spread race, of which the other branch divided into ever so many tribes, differing from each other totally in language [...] While the so-called Hottentots called themselves Khoikhoi (men of men, i.e. men par excellence), they called those other tribes Sā, the Sonqua of the Cape Records [...] We should apply the term Hottentot to the whole race, and call the two families, each by the native name, that is the one, the Khoikhoi, the so-called Hottentot proper; the other the San (Sā) or Bushmen." – Theophilus Hahn, Tsuni-ǁGoam: The Supreme Being to the Khoi-Khoi (1881), p. 3.