生成藝術(粵拼:saang1 sing4 ngai6 seot6;英文:generative art)係指局部或者完全由自主系統(autonomous system)創造嘅藝術,當中「自主系統」係指一啲非人類、但一定程度上曉做決策嘅系統,呢個系統係由一位藝術家為咗要整一件生成藝術品而整嘅。
生成藝術引起咗廿一世紀藝術界對人工智能(AI)等課題嘅思考:有研究生成藝術嘅學者就以演算法藝術(algorithmic art;用電腦程式整藝術品嘅做法)為例,佢哋指出,當一個程式有返咁上下複雜-有成千上萬行碼-嗰陣,人往往會冇能力完全預測個程式嘅運作結果;假如一個生成藝術家寫咗個複雜嘅程式,而個程式創出咗一幅佢意料之外嘅作品,噉幅作品應該算係由位藝術家創造嘅,定算係由個程式創造嘅呢?而如果幅作品係由個程式創造嘅,噉個程式算唔算係展現緊類似人噉嘅智能[4]?
[編輯]- Oliver, Grau (2003). Virtual Art: From Illusion to Immersion (MIT Press/Leonardo Book Series). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-07241-6.
- Wands, Bruce (2006). Art of the Digital Age, London: Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-23817-0.
- Matt, Pearson. Generative art : a practical guide using processing. Manning 2011.
- [1]"Epigenetic Painting:Software as Genotype", Roman Verostko(International Symposium on Electronic Art, Utrecht, 1988); Leonardo, 23:1,1990, pp. 17–23.
[編輯]- ↑ McCormack,J. (2003)‘Art andthe mirror of nature’, Digital Creativity, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 3–22. (Special issue on Generative Computation and the Arts, ed. Paul Brown.)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Dorin, A., McCabe, J., McCormack, J., Monro, G., & Whitelaw, M. (2012). A framework for understanding generative art. Digital Creativity, 23(3-4), 239-259.
- ↑ Chen, C. Y., & Hoyami, J. C. (2007). Autonomous systems for interactive digital art. In Tenth Generative Art Conference ga2007.
- ↑ Mitchell Whitelaw, Metacreation: Art and artificial life. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 2004.
- ↑ McCormack, J., Bown, O., Dorin, A., McCabe, J., Monro, G., & Whitelaw, M. (2014). Ten questions concerning generative computer art. Leonardo, 47(2), 135-141.
[編輯]- Playing with Time A conversation between Will Wright and Brian Eno on generative creation.
- Off Book: Generative Art - Computers, Data, and Humanity Documentary produced by Off Book.
- Thomas Dreher: History of Computer Art, chap.III.2, IV.3, VIII.1.