基本分類 | |||||
拉丁文 | 英文 | 粵文 | |||
regio | domain | 域 | |||
regnum | kingdom | 界 | |||
phylum (動物) | divisio (植物) | phylum (動物) | division (植物) | 門 | |
classis | class | 綱 | |||
ordo | order | 目 | |||
familia | family | 科 | |||
genus | genus | 屬 | |||
species | species | 種 |
數學化啲噉睇嘅話,每個物種係一個聚類(cluster;可以睇埋聚類分析)。是但搵兩隻生物,佢哋嘅遺傳組成分別係 同 (可以用兩個向量表示),再想像以下情況:
- 如果 ,當中 係某啲特定數值(即係兩隻之間嘅遺傳差異有返咁上下細),兩者就會有能力配種(假設兩者係一公一乸,或者呢種生物係公乸同體)生出有生殖能力嘅後代;
- 如果 嘅值有返咁上下大,兩者可能會生得到後代,但生到嘅後代會缺乏生殖能力,例子可以睇獅虎(Liger;獅子同老虎嘅混種,獅虎好多時冇生殖能力[3]);
- 而如果 數值好大,兩隻生物配種唔會生到任何後代[4]。
- 目:鯨目

而人類按照生物分類喺生命之樹(tree of life)嘅位置如下[5][6]:
[編輯]為咗方便世界各地講唔同語言嘅生物學家溝通,生物學界有咗所謂嘅學名(scientific names):每一個生物物種都會有一個學名,一個學名通常會由兩個用羅馬字母寫嘅字組成,例如係人類噉,人類嘅學名係「Homo sapien」;通常一個學名嘅第一個字會反映咗嗰種物種所屬嘅屬,而第二個字指個種。呢兩個字未必一定係源自拉丁文,例如係喺四川嗰頭發現嘅恐龍屬華陽龍噉,佢個學名係「Huayangosaurus」,當中「Huayang」係「華陽」-四川嘅別名-呢兩個漢字喺普通話入面嘅讀音。學名全球共通,唔會因地區而異[11][12]。
有一啲物種因為地區唔同或者突變而有亞種(subspecies),為咗分得清楚啲,廿一世紀嘅科學界又多咗一套叫三名法(trinomial nomenclature)嘅學名[13][14]:呢啲學名只係得有亞種嘅生物先至有,顧名思義有三個字,例如有啲人會叫喺香港嘅中華白海豚做 Sousa chinensis chinensis,印尼嘅中華白海豚做 Sousa chinensis plumbea。不過呢套做法到咗廿一世紀初都仲未受全世界認可[15][16]。
[編輯]- ↑ Neill, Campbell (1996). Biology; Fourth edition. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company. p. G-21 (Glossary).
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Douglas, Futuyma (1998). Evolutionary Biology; Third edition. Sinauer Associates. p. 88.
- ↑ Wood, G. L. (1983). The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats. Sterling Publishing.
- ↑ Leuschner, D. (1991). A mathematical model for classification and identification. Journal of classification, 8(1), 99-113.
- ↑ Margulis, Lynn; Schwartz, KV (1997). Five Kingdoms: An Illustrated Guide to the Phyla of Life on Earth (3rd ed.). WH Freeman & Co.
- ↑ Woese, CR; Kandler, O; Wheelis, ML (June 1990). "Towards a natural system of organisms: proposal for the domains Archaea, Bacteria, and Eucarya". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 87 (12): 4576–79.
- ↑ Rybicki, EP (1990). "The classification of organisms at the edge of life, or problems with virus systematics". S Afr J Sci. 86: 182–86.
- ↑ Index of Viruses – Pospiviroidae (2006). In: ICTVdB – The Universal Virus Database, version 4. Büchen-Osmond, C (Ed.), Columbia University, New York, USA. Version 4 is based on Virus Taxonomy, Classification and Nomenclature of Viruses, 8th ICTV Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Fauquet, CM; Mayo, MA; Maniloff, J; Desselberger, U; Ball, LA (editors) (2005) Elsevier/Academic Press, pp. 1259.
- ↑ Prusiner, SB; Baldwin, M; Collinge, J; DeArmond, SJ; Marsh, R; Tateishi, J; Weissmann, C. "90. Prions – ICTVdB Index of Viruses". United States National Institutes of Health.
- ↑ Mayo, MA; Berns, KI; Fritsch, C; Jackson, AO; Leibowitz, MJ; Taylor, JM. "81. Satellites – ICTVdB Index of Viruses". United States National Institutes of Health.
- ↑ McNeill, J; Barrie, FR; Buck, WR; Demoulin, V; Greuter, W; Hawksworth, DL; et al. (2012). International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress, Melbourne, Australia, July 2011. Regnum Vegetabile 154. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag KG.
- ↑ Silyn-Roberts, Heather (2000). Writing for Science and Engineering: Papers, Presentation. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. p. 198.
- ↑ McNeill, John (November 1996). "The BioCode: Integrated biological nomenclature for the 21st century?". Proceedings of a Mini-Symposium on Biological Nomenclature in the 21st Century.
- ↑ "The Draft BioCode (2011)". International Committee on Bionomenclature (ICB).
- ↑ Hawksworth, David L (2011). "Introducing the Draft BioCode (2011)". Taxon. 60: 199–200.
- ↑ Greuter, W; Garrity, G; Hawksworth, DL; Jahn, R; Kirk, PM; Knapp, S; McNeill, J, Michel, E; Patterson, DJ; Pyle, R; Tindall, BJ (2011). "Draft BioCode (2011): Principles and rules regulating the naming of organisms". Taxon. 60: 201–12.