其實單案重未破到,請睇下呢度: --VitaDei (傾偈) 2016年2月21號 (日) 04:35 (UTC)
呢啲係英文维基度搬嚟嘅,請參考:In September 2014, author Russell Edwards claimed to have proved Kosminski's guilt using mitochondrial DNA evidence from a shawl he believed to have been left at a murder scene. His claim has not been published or verified by the peer-review process, and his methods and findings have been criticised. --VitaDei (傾偈) 2016年2月21號 (日) 05:02 (UTC)
- 你又搵嚟講嘅,冇睇2014年9月8~11號啲新聞就冇亂講喇。因為破咗呢單案係2014年9月初嘅事,你話嗰個「未破案」證明唔知係咪可信。--WKDx417 (傾偈) 2016年2月24號 (三) 05:26 (UTC)
閣下自己搵嘅資料係咁講:"Jack the Ripper was Polish 23-year-old barber Aaron Kosminski, new book claims"
"The evidence presented has not, however, been universally accepted as definitive proof.
Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, the man who invented the DNA fingerprint technique 30 years ago, described it as an "interesting but remarkable claim that needs to be subjected to peer review, with detailed analysis of the provenance of the shawl and the nature of the claimed DNA match with the perpetrator's descendants and its power of discrimination; no actual evidence has yet been provided"."
--VitaDei (傾偈) 2016年2月24號 (三) 08:04 (UTC)
閣下俾嘅新聞我睇咗,點啊我講嘅係唔係好啱。我本身好關心單案,但粵語唔係幾好,所以將啲情報話俾母語者知。 --VitaDei (傾偈) 2016年2月24號 (三) 11:27 (UTC)
對外連結有變 (2023年1月)
我啱啱救返劏人殺手積克上面嘅 1 個對外連結。麻煩檢查下我改嘅嘢。有咩查詢,或者想隻機械人唔理啲外連,或者想隻機械人成版唔好掂,請睇呢版簡明嘅問答頁。我改咗呢啲外連:
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