User talk:Krun


Thank you very much for your help! At the current stage, you may favour the community by finding whatever is still in English and ask we administrators to translate it into Cantonese. -- 08:28, 29 三月 2006 (UTC)

My immediate thought is about the logo. This needs to be promptly translated to Cantonese. The font just needs to look good (and anti-aliased!) and good transparency must be assured. There is also some text pertaining to login and account registration that need to be quickly translated. – Krun 14:11, 29 三月 2006 (UTC)

The name and tagline are still under debate, so we'll change the logo after the debate is settled. -- 14:54, 29 三月 2006 (UTC)

謝謝你移動我的 babel 哦~[編輯]

也好高興認識你^^--妙詩人 17:36, 31 三月 2006 (UTC)

No problem. Nice to meet you too. :) – Krun 19:03, 31 三月 2006 (UTC)

Copying babels[編輯]

I understand you did it in good faith, but some people might not their userpages edited without permission. It might be a better idea to refrain from doing so in the future. :) -- tonync (talk) 02:31, 11 四月 2006 (UTC)

I understand what you mean. I just think it is important to have some people in Category:User zh-yue. There are quite a few there now, so I will stop copying Babel boxes now and stick to moving the templates themselves here. – Krun 11:35, 11 四月 2006 (UTC)
Yeah, that's bound to be true. Still I think so far just about everyone's kept theirs? A-giâu 16:33, 11 四月 2006 (UTC)


Hi, Kristján, would you like to translate the introductory text on the main page into Icelandic? The template is at Template:廣東話簡介. Cheers, A-giâu 17:20, 18 四月 2006 (UTC)

Done. I put translation in Template:廣東話簡介/is, as the original template is protected. Perhaps I should translate the header as well. If so, could you please tell me what it means in English? – Krun 19:51, 21 四月 2006 (UTC)
I've put your work in the template. The title means Brief Introduction to Cantonese Language. HenryLi 20:35, 21 四月 2006 (UTC)

Thanks to you both! A-giâu 00:58, 22 四月 2006 (UTC)


我大多数时间都在中文维基,比较少嚟呢度,因为我的输入法唔支持繁体,唔好意思系呢度写嘢。--长夜无风 05:23, 12 五月 2006 (UTC)


好歡迎你來到粵語維基百科,你可以跟住維基百科嘅規則,來寫維基百科嘅文章。因為係早創階段,規章同埋規模未係咁整齊,之不過會同其他維基百科睇齊。希望你鍾意來呢度寫嘢,同埋做個維基人。順便講下,響唔同討論版同投票版,都記得打三個~來簽個字,好似咁~~~,而四個~(~~~~)可以有埋你個名同日子。有乜嘢問題,可以睇下Wikipedia:城市論壇問下呢度嘅維基人,亦都可以去我個討論版問下我。再一次歡迎你!^_^ HenryLi 05:41, 10 六月 2006 (UTC)