

科技恐懼fo1 gei6 hung2 geoi6英文technophobia 或者 technofear)係指對先進嘅科技或者複雜嘅裝置,例如電腦嘅恐懼或厭惡[1]


  1. "Definition of "Technophobia"". Dictionary.reference.com. 喺2008-07-29搵到.
       (1) tech·no·pho·bi·a (těk'nə-fō'bē-ə) n. Fear of or aversion to technology, especially computers and high technology. -Related forms: tech'no·phobe' n., tech'no·pho'bic (-fō'bĭk) adj."— (American Heritage Dictionary)
       (2) "tech·no·pho·bi·a /ˌtɛknəˈfbiə/ - Show Spelled Pronunciation [tek-nuh-foh-bee-uh] –noun abnormal fear of or anxiety about the effects of advanced technology. [Origin: 1960–65; techno- + -phobia] —Related forms: tech·no·phobe, noun – (Dictionary.com unabridged (v1.1) based on the Random House unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.)