Tennis (埃及)


Tennis(تنيس)係一個中世紀埃及城市。佢現址約莫喺 31°12′N 32°14′E / 31.200°N 32.233°E / 31.200; 32.233,,曼沙拉湖一個島上面,賽得港西南。


Tennis'個名源自曼沙拉湖以前個名叫Lake Tinnis [1]


唔少埃及農產都經Tennis出口,包括佢出產名滿中東嘅布料[2] 。據艾志斯所記,尼羅河嘅東主支流當時係經Lake Tinnis出海。經湖出海令商船可以避開喺羅塞塔會遇到嘅大潮。呢個較高嘅穩定性令Tennis成為近東地區名列前茅嘅港口[3]



  1. Cooper, John P. (1 April 2012). ""Fear God; Fear the Bogaze ": The Nile Mouths and the Navigational Landscape of the Medieval Nile Delta, Egypt". Al-Masaq. 24 (1): 68.
  2. J.-M. Mouton. "Tinnis". 出自 Bosworth, C. E.; Van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W.P.; Bianquis, T.; Bearman, P. (編). Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition.
  3. Cooper, John P. (1 April 2012). ""Fear God; Fear the Bogaze ": The Nile Mouths and the Navigational Landscape of the Medieval Nile Delta, Egypt". Al-Masaq. 24 (1): 68.
  4. Cooper, John P. (1 April 2012). ""Fear God; Fear the Bogaze ": The Nile Mouths and the Navigational Landscape of the Medieval Nile Delta, Egypt". Al-Masaq. 24 (1): 69.