User talk:1997kB

Welcome to my talk page!
Hey! I am 1997kB. I patrol many projects, and where I don't know the language I only act in cases of serious vandalism. If you think I have done anything wrong, feel free to message me. For ease of communication and to keep conversations in one place, I prefer you leave me messages at my talk page on metawiki. If you don't like that you can leave me messages here too, but since I do not watch all of my talk pages, your message might not get a timely response. Thanks!
  • 維基百科鼓勵勇於修改,所以放膽寫!「維基百科五大支柱」係百科、中立、內容自由、行為規範、冇死板嘅規則。
  • 喺你寫文嘅時候,請想像自己用廣東話講正式嘢嗰陣會講乜,然後將你會講嘅嘢寫出嚟,「粵文」係指將粵語直接寫低嘅文字。
  • 如果有啲粵語當中嘅字你識講唔識寫嘅話,可以參考吓呢度
  • 維基百科唔鼓勵搞破壞,如果搞破壞,就會俾人封鎖
  • 我哋發展緊翻譯外文專有名詞嘅一套指引《Wikipedia:翻譯》,你可以參攷同埋俾意見。希望你鍾意嚟呢度寫嘢。
  • 得閒嘅多啲嚟嘆杯茶,同粵維友一齊車天車地!
  • Welcome to Cantonese Wikipedia. If you cannot understand Cantonese, you can write to our Ambassador. Enjoy yourself.

我係歡迎你嘅維基人:翹仔 (傾偈) 2021年12月2號 (四) 23:59 (UTC)[回覆]