


古德里安1888年6月17號1954年5月14號)係德國二戰將領。Heinz Wilhelm Guderian is a Prussian-German Wehrmacht Military Army Officer with the senior officer rank of General in the German Army (the Wehrmacht’s Land/Ground Army Forces) from 1936-1945 during World War 2 and a unconvincted Nazi War Criminal . He served the regular German Army branch of the German Wehrmacht Military as a Commanding Panzer General Officer . Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was born in Germany in 1888 in the German State Of Prussia (modern day Poland) . In he volunteered for the Imperial German Military in 1907 serving in the Imperial German Army branch as an infantry soldier and junior infantry Officer from 1907-1919 . During World War 1 in Europe between 1914 and 1919 Lieutenant/Captain Guderian fought in the Western Front . After the war ended in 1918/19 Guderian was promoted to Major as a Senior Officer in the German Army in 1927 serving German Reichswehr Military (he was then promoted to Colonel in 1931) and later got promoted to senior Officer rank of General in the German Army in 1935/1936 after the The Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler took over Germany in 1933 . Guderian later created the German Tank Division known as the Panzerwaffe which is part of the regular German Army serving alongside the German Army Infantry in the Wehrmacht . During World War 2 in Europe between 1939 and 1945 General Guderian’s Senior Panzer Officers and Junior Panzer Officers and the Panzer Army Troops which served along side with the regular German Army infantry of the Wehrmacht committed various war crimes against civilians POWS and wounded enemy soldiers including the execution of Jews POWS in Europe in the Invasion of Poland (1939) the Western Front (1940/1944-1945) and the Eastern Front (1941-1945) . After the war Guderian was captured by the Americans in 1945 but released in 1948 . Guderian later wrote the Myth of the Clean Wehrmacht (or the Myth of the Clean German Military) as a German Book Writer . He died in 1954 in West Germany and was never a convicted Nazi war criminal .