

明尼亞波利斯 Lake Street 附近




佐治弗萊案俾差人拘捕時,喺2020年5月25號跪實條頸至死嘅一件案而引發。2020年5月25號晚8點,佐治弗萊(George Perry Floyd)第一間便利店買煙嘅時候,俾人懷疑用假廿蚊美金而報警。差人到場嘗試拘捕佢同埋佢個朋友[1]。差人 Derek Chauvin 用膝頭哥跪喺佐治弗萊案條頸超過八分鐘[2][3],成個過程有人直播(Facebook live),佐治弗萊講: 「I can't breathe」(我唞唔到氣)[4]。最後送佢到醫院,搶救之後,就死咗[5][6]。醫院最初話佢係長期病患死嘅,家屬唔同意。

佐治弗萊嘅死可能係觸發點。自從民權運動之後,警察暴力,特別係對非裔美國人,不時有發生,之中有受警暴嘅人命都冇埋,而部份民權運動嘅示威者就係因為唔滿意啲差人嘅表現行出嚟嘅。1965年「Watts riots」,其中死咗卅四人,大部份黑人[7]。廿世紀最大單嘅暴動,1992年洛杉磯暴動,就係因為黑人 Rodney King 畀班差佬群毆,成過程畀人錄低咗,播出街而引起[8]



第二日,5月26號,明尼阿波利斯四圍都出現示威,到咗中午,成千人喺佐治弗萊畀人跪頸嘅地方聚集,遊行,仲整咗個簡單嘅悼念點[9][10],有獻花、黑色氣球、同寫咗嘢嘅牌... 集會嘅組織者強調要令到呢個示威和平進行[11]。示威者同死者嘅家屬要求拘捕當時全部四個嘅差人,告佢哋謀殺,盡快結案[12][13]。之後有舖頭建築物俾人破壞。晚頭黑八點,有示威者同差人打起上嚟。





示威响 2020年6月6號達到顛峰,有成五十萬人响美國 550 笪地方示威[15]


  1. 金融界 (2020-05-27). 国4名警察因执法动作不当致人死亡被解职. finance.sina.com.cn. 原先內容歸檔喺2020-12-27. 喺2020-05-27搵到.
  2. Hauser, Christine (May 26, 2020). "F.B.I. to Investigate Arrest of Black Man Who Died After Being Pinned by Officer". The New York Times. 原先內容歸檔喺May 26, 2020. 喺May 26, 2020搵到.
  3. Dakss, Brian (May 26, 2020). "Video shows Minneapolis cop with knee on neck of motionless, moaning man who later died". CBS News. 原先內容歸檔喺May 26, 2020. 喺May 26, 2020搵到.
  4. Nawaz, Amna (May 26, 2020). "What we know about George Floyd's death in Minneapolis police custody". PBS Newshour. 原先內容歸檔喺May 27, 2020. 喺May 27, 2020搵到.
  5. Bogel-Burroughs, Nicholas (1 April 2021). "George Floyd was dead by the time medical help arrived, a paramedic testified". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. 喺2021-07-10搵到 –透過NYTimes.com.
  6. "George Floyd showed no signs of life from time EMS arrived, fire department report says". 喺2021-07-10搵到.
  7. Hinton, Elizabeth (2016). From the War on Poverty to the War on Crime: The Making of Mass Incarceration in America. Harvard University Press. pp. 68–72. ISBN 9780674737235.
  8. Sastry, Anjuli; Bates, Karen (26 April 2017). "When LA Erupted In Anger: A Look Back At The Rodney King Riots". NPR. 喺11 April 2021搵到.
  9. "In pictures: Protesting the death of George Floyd". CNN. May 27, 2020. 原先內容歸檔喺May 28, 2020. 喺May 27, 2020搵到.
  10. "Demonstrators gather around Minneapolis to protest death of George Floyd". KSTP (英文). May 26, 2020. 原先內容歸檔喺May 28, 2020. 喺May 26, 2020搵到.
  11. Wagner, Jeff (June 18, 2020). "'It's Real Ugly': Protesters Clash With Minneapolis Police After George Floyd's Death". WCCO.
  12. "Family and Friends Mourn Minneapolis Police Killing Victim George Floyd". Time. 原先內容歸檔喺May 28, 2020. 喺May 29, 2020搵到.
  13. KTSP staff (May 27, 2020). "'This is the right call': Officers involved in fatal Minneapolis incident fired, mayor says". KTSP. 原著喺2020年5月28號歸檔. 喺June 15, 2020搵到.
  14. "George Floyd protests spread nationwide". CNN (英文). 2020-05-28. 原先內容歸檔喺2021-01-13. 喺2020-06-01搵到.
  15. Buchanan, Larry; Bui, Quoctrung; Patel, Jugal K. (2020-07-03). "Black Lives Matter May Be the Largest Movement in U.S. History". The New York Times (美國英文). ISSN 0362-4331. 喺2021-08-04搵到.
  16. "Retailers and restaurants across the U.S. close their doors amid protests". The Washington Post (美國英文). 原先內容歸檔喺2020-12-08. 喺2020-06-03搵到.

