



作詞Albert Gamse

向統帥致敬》係美國總統嘅個人官方頌歌。呢首歌係由占士山德森(James Sanderson)改編自蘇格蘭蓋爾文(Scottish Gaelic)旋律[1][2]

呢首歌係美國總統喺好多公共活動嗰度出現嘅時候演奏;亦都會喺總統就職典禮嗰度演奏[3]。喺重大嘅官方場合,呢首歌通常係由美國海軍陸戰隊樂隊同其他軍事樂團演奏。喺1954年,國防部將呢首歌曲定咗做向美國總統致敬嘅官方音樂[4]。當為總統演奏嘅時候,喺奏呢首歌嘅時候會前奏 four ruffles and flourishes。喺前總統國葬嘅時候,棺材喺靈車上面移走之後,亦都會演奏呢首歌[5]。由於呢首歌嘅起源係19世紀,所以因為年代久遠,呢首歌已經屬於公共領域(public domain)。



司各特爵士(Sir Walter Scott)喺1810年嘅敘事詩湖夫人》(The Lady of the Lake)嗰度嘅詩句,包括氏族歡迎 Roderick Dhu 酋長坐船嚟到嘅「船歌」叫《向酋長致敬》(Hail to the Chief);呢首詩喺1812年左右俾作曲家占士山德森(James Sanderson,約1769年 – 約1841年)改編成音樂;山德森係自學成才嘅英國小提琴家兼倫敦舒梨劇院(SurreyTheatre)嘅指揮,喺1790年代到19世紀初期呢段時間幫當地劇團創作咗好多歌曲:[4]

     —— 《湖夫人》,1810年

司各特嘅浪漫故事好快就俾人改編成未經授權嘅浪漫情節劇(melodramas)。 1810年11月,司各特寫信俾一位朋友嘅時候話《湖夫人》俾倫敦嘅馬丁同雷諾,同埋愛丁堡嘅 Siddons  先生改編成戲劇。大約喺同一時間,司各特收到咗一位朋友兼軍官嘅信,封信嘅結尾係船歌《向酋長致敬》。

《湖夫人》嘅其中一個版本喺1812年5月8號喺紐約首演,《向酋長致敬》大約同「湖夫人嘅戲劇同浪漫中嘅進行曲同合唱」(March and Chorus in the Dramatic Romance of the Lady of the Lake)同時喺費城出版。好多模仿嘅作品亦都相繼出現,表明《湖夫人》喺當時好受歡迎[6]

同總統嘅關聯首次出現喺1815年,當時舉行呢項活動係為咗紀念喬治華盛頓同1812年戰爭嘅結束(歌曲嘅名叫「俾酋長嘅花環」,Wreaths for the Chieftain)[4]。1828年7月4號,美國海軍陸戰隊樂團喺 Chesapeake 同俄亥俄運河嘅正式開通儀式上面演奏咗呢首歌,總統莊昆斯阿登斯(John Quincy Adams)出席咗呢次嘅儀式。喺1829年,安祖積遜(Andrew Jackson)總統係第一位用呢首歌嚟做佢嘅頌歌,喺1837年馬田范布倫(Martin Van Buren)總統嘅就職典禮上播咗呢首歌[4]約翰泰勒(John Tyler)總統嘅第二任妻子朱莉婭泰勒(Julia Tyler)請求用呢首歌嚟宣布總統嘅出場[4]。 佢嘅繼任人第一夫人莎拉波爾克(Sarah Childress Polk)喺占士諾斯波爾克(James Knox Polk)嘅就職典禮上用咗之後,佢鼓勵用呢種方式用呢首歌;威廉西爾(William Seale )話:「波爾克唔係一個令人印象深刻嘅人物,所以有必要進行一啲宣布,以避免佢喺無俾人注意到嘅情況之下進入擁擠嘅房間引起嘅尷尬。喺大型活動嗰度,樂團……一邊演奏進行曲一邊敲鼓……為總統開路。」[4]

美國內戰(1861-1865)期間,呢首歌亦都俾人用嚟宣布南部邦聯總統傑佛遜戴維斯(Jefferson Davis)嘅到嚟。 1861年10月3號,戴維斯總統同 P. G. T. Beauregard 將軍、若瑟莊士敦(Joseph Eggleston Johnston)將軍、古斯塔夫斯史密夫(Gustavus Woodson Smith)將軍一齊喺 Fairfax 法院參加戰爭委員會(Council of War)會議。喺 Fairfax 期間,戴維斯總統仲對大約30,000人嘅軍隊進行咗正式檢閱。喺檢閱開始嘅時候,維珍尼亞州第一步兵團嘅樂隊演奏咗《向酋長致敬》[7]

車士打阿瑟(Chester Arthur)唔鍾意呢首歌,佢要求 John Philip Sousa 創作一首新歌,叫做《總統波蘭舞曲》(Presidential Polonaise)。阿瑟離任之後,海軍陸戰隊樂隊又恢復喺總統公開露面嘅時候演奏《向酋長致敬》[8]


占美卡特(Jimmy Carter)喺擔任總統期間曾經短暫禁止播放呢首歌。不過事實證明,美國公眾唔鍾意呢次嘅決定,所以卡特後嚟又改變咗主意,取消咗禁令[10]

作曲家 Stephen Sondheim 喺1990年嘅百老匯音樂劇《刺客》(Assassins)嗰度用咗《向酋長致敬》嘅變體版本,最引人注目嘅係喺演出嘅開頭,佢將呢首歌從「傳統進行曲節拍改成3/4拍嘅嘉年華華爾滋」嚟強調「更邪惡嘅元素」[11]



Albert Gamse 創作嘅歌詞係根據占士山德森嘅音樂創作:

英文原詞 粵語翻譯

Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation,
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.
Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that is our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!



Hail to the chief, who in triumph advances,
Honour'd and blessed be the evergreen pine!
Long may the tree in his banner that glances,
Flourish the shelter and grace of our line.
Heaven send it happy dew,
Earth lend it sap anew,
Gaily to bourgeon and broadly to grow;
While every Highland glen,
Sends our shout back again
"Roderigh Vich Alpine Dhu, ho! i-e-roe!"

Ours is no sapling, chance-sown by the fountain,
Blooming at Beltane, in winter to fade;
When the whirlwind has stript every leaf on the mountain,
The more shall Clan Alpine exult in her shade.
Moor'd in the lifted rock,
Proof to the tempest's shock,
Firmer he roots him, the ruder it blow:
Menteith and Breadalbane, then,
Echo his praise agen,
"Roderigh Vich Alpine Dhu, ho! i-e-roe!"

Proudly our pibroch has thrill'd in Glen Fruin,
And Blanochar's groans to our slogan replied,
Glen Luss and Ross Dhu, they are smoking in ruin,
And the best of Loch Lomond lie dead on our side.
Widow and Saxon maid,
Long shall lament our raid,
Think of Clan Alpine with fear and with woe.
Lenox and Levon Glen,
Shake when they hear agen
"Roderigh Vich Alpine Dhu, ho! i-e-roe!"

Row, vassals, row for the pride of the Highlands!
Stretch to your oars for the evergreen pine!
O, that the rosebud that graces yon islands,
Were wreath'd in a garland around him to twine.
O, that some seedling gem,
Worthy such noble stem,
Honour'd and blest in their shadow might grow;
Loud should Clan Alpine then,
Ring from her deepmost glen,
"Roderigh Vich Alpine Dhu, ho! i-e-roe!"



  1. Golby, David J. "Sanderson, James". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (第online版). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/24625. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
  2. Robert A. Nowlan, Ph.D. (31 January 2016). The American Presidents From Polk to Hayes: What They Did, What They Said & What Was Said About Them. Outskirts Press. p. 63. ISBN 978-1-4787-6572-1.
  3. Hauser, Christine (2017-01-20). "'Hail to the Chief': The Musical Strains of Presidential Power". The New York Times (美國英文). ISSN 0362-4331. 喺2019-01-07搵到.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 "Hail to the chief (Song Collection)" in Library of Congress Performing Arts Encyclopedia
  5. "President George H.W. Bush U.S. Capitol Arrival Ceremony | C-SPAN.org". C-span.org. 喺4 January 2021搵到.
  6. Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, p. 108.
  7. "Memphis Daily Appeal, October 12, 1861, p. 2, c. 4"
  8. Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, p. 110.
  9. Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. HarperResource, 2003, p. 109-110.
  10. Greene, Bob (2013-01-20). "Why 'Hail to the Chief' remains unsung". CNN (英文). 喺2023-10-20搵到.
  11. "Pastiche in Stephen Sondheim's "Assassins": An economical and powerful score".


  • Collins, Ace. Songs Sung, Red, White, and Blue: The Stories Behind America's Best-Loved Patriotic Songs. Harper Resource, 2003. ISBN 0060513047

