

座標38°59′30″N 77°01′48″W / 38.99167°N 77.03000°W / 38.99167; -77.03000
部門 概括
組成1870年2月9號, 154年之前 (1870-02-09)
  • United States Weather Bureau
範圍United States federal government
總部Silver Spring, Maryland
38°59′30″N 77°01′48″W / 38.99167°N 77.03000°W / 38.99167; -77.03000
每年預算US$1.204 billion (FY 2021)
部門 主席
母部門agencyNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Child agency
[2][3][4] [5]

國家氣象局(英文: National Weather Service , NWS ),係美國聯邦政府(United States Federal Government )轄下嘅一個機構,目的係向公眾提供天氣預報、危險天氣警告同埋其他同天氣相關嘅資料。佢係美國商務部嘅國家海洋同大氣管理局(  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,NOAA)分部嘅一部分,總部喺華盛頓大都會區嘅馬利蘭州銀泉[6][7]。呢個機構由1890年開始就叫做美國氣象局(United States Weather Bureau),喺1970年改用佢依家呢個名[8]

氣象局透過一系列嘅國家同地區嘅天文台,同埋122個地方天氣預報辦公室(Weather Forecast Offices,WFO )執行佢嘅主要任務。由於 NWS 係美國聯邦政府嘅一個機構,所以佢嘅大部分服務都係公開嘅,而且係免費嘅。


  1. "Kenneth Graham selected as next director of NOAA's National Weather Service | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration". noaa.gov.
  2. "History of the National Weather Service". National Weather Service. 喺July 2, 2016搵到.
  3. "Guide to Federal Records: Records of the Weather Bureau". National Archives and Records Administration. 喺May 23, 2014搵到.
  4. "About NOAA's National Weather Service".
  5. "Final FY21 Appropriations: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration". aip.org (英文). 2021-01-27. 喺2021-03-02搵到.
  6. "Silver Spring CDP, Maryland". U.S. Census Bureau. 原著喺June 7, 2011歸檔. 喺August 2, 2009搵到.
  7. "NOAA's National Weather Service". National Weather Service. 喺August 2, 2009搵到.
  8. Nass, Sharyl J.; Stillman, Bruce, 編 (2003). Large-scale Biomedical Science: Exploring Strategies for Future Research. National Academies Press. p. 224. doi:10.17226/10718. ISBN 978-0-309-08912-8. LCCN 2003009162.