
大英帝國最優秀勳章(Most Excellent Order of the British Empire)係一種英國嘅騎士團(order of chivalry)榮譽,𢬿來獎勵藝術界同科學界嘅貢獻、參與慈善同福利組織嘅工作、公務員系統以外嘅公共服務[1]。1917年6月4號,英皇佐治五世設立呢套勳章,總共5級,分為平民組同軍人組。其中獲頒授至高兩級嘅勳賢,男人成為爵士,女人成為女爵士。[2]
[編輯]- ↑ "Order of the British Empire". The Official Website of the British Monarchy. The Royal Household. 原著喺27 March 2010歸檔. 喺24 August 2009搵到.
- ↑ "No. 30250". The London Gazette (2nd supplement). 24 August 1917.
[編輯]- Galloway, Peter (1996). The Order of the British Empire. Central Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood. ISBN 0-907605-65-6.
- Hood, Frederic (1967). The Chapel of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, with a foreword by Prince Philip.
- "Knighthood and Chivalry" (1911). Encyclopædia Britannica, 11th ed., London: Cambridge University Press.
[編輯]- Order of the British Empire – official website of the British Monarchy
- The Honours system – UK Government
- Queen's Birthday and New Year honours – The London Gazette, lists recipients of honours
- "The Most Excellent Order of the British Empire" (2002) – Cambridge University Heraldic and Genealogical Society
- "Order of Precedence in England and Wales", Velde, F. R. (2003) – Heraldica.org
- Search recommendations for the Order of the British Empire on the UK National Archives' website
- The Chapel of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire – OBE Chapel Exterior detail – jpg image, IanMcGrawPhotos.co.uk