
密鋪平面(tessellation,tiling)即係用一集平面圖形填滿一塊平面,唔重疊亦無隙。唔止平面,有時亦可以用圖形鋪滿曲面或高維空間。M.C. Escher嘅藝術就有好多密鋪滿平面同雙曲面。密鋪滿平面亦有週期同非週期兩種。
[編輯]- Grunbaum, Branko and G. C. Shephard. Tilings and Patterns. New York: W. H. Freeman & Co., 1987. ISBN 0-7167-1193-1.
- Coxeter, H.S.M.. Regular Polytopes, Section IV : Tessellations and Honeycombs. Dover, 1973. ISBN 0-486-61480-8.
[編輯]- Convex uniform honeycomb - The 28 uniform 3-dimensional tessellations, a parallel construction to this plane set
- Honeycomb (geometry)
- Jig-saw puzzle
- List of uniform tilings
- Monohedral tiling
- Mosaic
- Penrose tilings
- Polyiamond - tilings with equilateral triangles
- Polyomino
- Quilting
- Self-replication
- Tile
- Tiling puzzle
- Tilings of regular polygons
- Aperiodic tiling
- Triangulation (advanced geometry)
- Trianglepoint - needlepoint with polyiamonds (equilateral triangles)
- Uniform tessellation
- Voronoi tessellation
- Wallpaper group - seventeen types of two-dimensional repetitive patterns
- Wang tiles
[編輯]- K-12 Tessellation Lesson
- Tessellation Artist from Math Is Fun
- 2D Puzzles generated using a tessellation of the plane
- Math Forum Tessellation Tutorials - make your own
- Mathematical Art of M. C. Escher - tessellations in art
- The 14 Different Types of Convex Pentagons that Tile the Plane
- Tiling Plane & Fancy at Southern Polytechnic State University
- Grotesque Geometry, Andrew Crompton
- Tessellations.org - many examples and do it yourself tutorials
- Minesweeper Variants - A Minesweeper game using different tessellation patterns
- Semiregular pattern - This pattern can describe a collapsing cylinder
- Hyperbolic Tessellations, David E. Joyce, Clark University