模組:Infobox artist
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--呢個模組用嚟執行 {{Infobox artist}} 模
--稍後會將 {{藝人}} 模亦改為通過呢個模組執行,但藝人明細模結構較為複雜,要實現需要更長時間。
--請將新增參數加落模組:Infobox artist/parameterList
--由Dabao qian喺2016年12月19號自中文維基百科引入。
local p = {}
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local infobox = require('Module:Infobox').infobox
local parameterList = mw.loadData('Module:Infobox artist/parameterList')
local function getData(args, idx)
for _, v in ipairs(parameterList[idx]) do
if args[v] then return args[v] end
function p.artist(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._artist(args)
function p._artist(args)
-- 艺术家信息框模板。
local list = {}
local cont = 5
list.bodyclass = 'vcard plainlist'
list.bodystyle = 'width:275px; font-size: 95%;'
list.above = (mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({
title = 'Br separated entries',
args = {
(args.honorific_prefix and
'<span class="honorific-prefix" style="font-size:77%; font-weight:normal;">' .. args.honorific_prefix .. '</span>' or ''),
'<span class=fn">' .. (getData(args, 'name') or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().baseText) .. '</span>',
(args.honorific_suffix and
'<span class="honorific-suffix" style="font-size:77%; font-weight:normal;">' .. args.honorific_suffix .. '</span>' or ''),
} }))
list.abovestyle = 'text-align: center; font-size: 120%; background:' .. (getData(args, 'death_date') and 'silver;' or (getData(args, 'death_place') and 'silver;' or '#6495ED;') )
list.headerstyle = 'background:' .. (getData(args, 'death_date') and 'silver;' or (getData(args, 'death_place') and 'silver;' or '#6495ED;') )
list.labelstyle = 'white-space:nowrap;'
list.image = require('Module:InfoboxImage').InfoboxImage{ args = {
image = getData(args, 'image'),
size = getData(args, 'image_size'),
sizedefault = 'frameless',
upright = '1',
alt = args.alt,
suppressplaceholder = yes,
} }
list.caption = list.image and getData(args, 'caption')
list.header1 = '藝術家'
list.label2 = '原文名'
list.data2 = (args.native_name and
'<span class="nickname"' .. (args.native_name_lang and ' lang="' .. args.native_name_lang .. '" "xml:lang="' .. args.native_name_lang .. '"' or '') .. '>' .. args.native_name .. '</span>' or '')
list.label3 = '出世'
list.data3 = (mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({
title = 'Br separated entries',
args = {
(getData(args, 'birth_name') and
'<span class="nickname">' .. getData(args, 'birth_name') .. '</span>' or ''),
getData(args, 'birth_date'),
(getData(args, 'birth_place') and
'<span class="birthplace">' .. getData(args, 'birth_place') .. '</span>' or ''),
} } ))
list.label4 = '死'
list.data4 = (mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({
title = 'Br separated entries',
args = {
getData(args, 'death_date'),
(getData(args, 'death_place') and
'<span class="deathplace">' .. getData(args, 'death_place') .. '</span>' or ''),
} } ))
list.label5 = '墓地'
list.data5 = (mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({
title = 'Br separated entries',
args = {args.resting_place, args.resting_place_coordinates}
} ))
for i, v in ipairs(parameterList) do
local data = getData(args, i)
if data then
cont = cont + 1
list['data'..cont] = data
list['label'..cont] = v.label
list['header'..cont] = v.header
list.class1 = 'title role'
list.class5 = 'label'
list.class6 = 'category'
list.class11 = 'category'
list.class12 = 'category'
list.class14 = 'note'
list.class15 = 'org'
list.rowclass17 = 'note'
list.class18 = 'url'
return infobox(list) .. (mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate({
title = 'Wikidata image',
args = {getData(args, 'image')}
} ))
return p