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-- vim: set noexpandtab ft=lua ts=4 sw=4:
local r = {}
-- internationalisation
r.i18n =
["errors"] =
["property-not-found"] = "無噉嘅屬性",
["entity-not-found"] = "無噉嘅維基數據項",
["unknown-claim-type"] = "無噉嘅聲明項類型",
["unknown-entity-type"] = "無噉嘅維基數據項類型",
["qualifier-not-found"] = "無噉嘅限定符",
["site-not-found"] = "無噉嘅維基媒體項目",
["unknown-datetime-format"] = "未知日期時間格式",
["local-article-not-found"] = "呢個維基無呢個名嘅文"
["datetime"] =
-- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number
[0] = "$10億年", -- precision: billion years
[1] = "$1億年", -- precision: hundred million years
[2] = "$1000萬年", -- precision: ten million years
[3] = "$100萬年", -- precision: million years
[4] = "$10萬年", -- precision: hundred thousand years
[5] = "$1萬年", -- precision: ten thousand years
[6] = "$1千年", -- precision: millennium
[7] = "$1世紀", -- precision: century
[8] = "$1年代", -- precision: decade
-- the following use the format of #time parser function
[9] = "Y年", -- precision: year,
[10] = "Y年n月", -- precision: month
[11] = "Y年n月j號", -- precision: day
[12] = "Y年n月j號G點", -- precision: hour
[13] = "Y年n月j號G:i", -- precision: minute
[14] = "Y年n月j號G:i:s", -- precision: second
["beforenow"] = "公元前$1", -- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5
["afternow"] = "公元$1", -- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5
["bc"] = '公元前$1', -- how print negative years
["ad"] = "$1", -- how print positive years
-- the following are for function getDateValue() and getQualifierDateValue()
["default-format"] = "ymd", -- default value of the #3 (getDateValue) or
-- #4 (getQualifierDateValue) argument
["default-addon"] = "公元前", -- default value of the #4 (getDateValue) or
-- #5 (getQualifierDateValue) argument
["prefix-addon"] = true, -- set to true for languages put "BC" in front of the
-- datetime string; or the addon will be suffixed
["addon-sep"] = "", -- separator between datetime string and addon (or inverse)
["format"] = -- options of the 3rd argument
["mdy"] = "Y年n月j號", -- this is actually ymd but not mdy, just for backward-compatible
["my"] = "Y年n月",
["y"] = "Y年",
["dmy"] = "Y年n月j號",
["ymd"] = "Y年n月j號",
["ym"] = "Y年n月"
["monolingualtext"] = '<span lang="%language">%text</span>',
["warnDump"] = "[[Category:用咗Wikidata模組Dump函數]]",
["ordinal"] =
[1] = "",
[2] = "",
[3] = "",
["default"] = ""
return r