

蜂膠propolis / bee glue)係蜜蜂採集植物嘅汁液、花粉、同花蜜,溝埋自己分泌嘅口水同蜜臘,所形成嘅膠狀物質,可以用嚟修補個,而且蜂膠係食得嘅,所以蜜蜂喺天氣唔好,唔能夠出去採花蜜嗰陣,會攞蜂膠做後備糧食[1][2]



  1. Simone-Finstrom, Michael; Spivak, Marla (May–June 2010). "Propolis and bee health: The natural history and significance of resin use by honey bees". Apidologie. 41 (3): 295–311.
  2. Gambichler T; Boms S; Freitag M (April 2004). "Contact dermatitis and other skin conditions in instrumental musicians". BMC Dermatol. 4: 3.
  3. Example of Cough Drops: Casa de Apicultor C. 38 No. 220 B x 49 y 51 Col San Juan. C.P. 97780 Valladolid. Yucatan, Mexico.