
Leech 晶格


Leech 晶格(leech lattice)係隻24維嘅歐幾里得晶格(en:Euclidean lattice);渠係雙幺模晶格(en:even unimodular lattice);渠係24維歐幾里得晶格中,最短向量長度係4嘅唯一晶格。

John H. ConwaySloane發現,Leech晶格可由廿六維嘅Lorentzian 晶格同埋光椎上嘅向量(en:light-like vector) 模出[1]

  1. Goddard/Olive p.58 ; Conway/Sloane


  • Peter Goddard / David Olive : "Algebras, Lattices And Strings", pp.57, 58, etc,《Vertex Operators in Mathematics and Physics - Proceedings of a Conference November 10-17,1983》,Publications of MSRI #3, Springer-Verlag 1984 ;
    • 或者響pp. 216, 217, etc, 響 Peter Goddard / David Olive 編嘅重印本:《Kac-Moody and Virasoro Algebras》, Advanced Series in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 3, World Scientific, ISBN 9971-5-0419-7
  • J. H. Conway, N.J.A. Sloane, "Lorentzian forms for the Leech lattice", AMS [1]