
March for Our Lives

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NY 遊行人士

March for Our Lives」(意思係「為我哋條命遊行」)係個學生發起嘅反槍遊行,2018年3月24號喺華盛頓舉行,喺美國全國同世界各地舉辦八佰幾場相關嘅遊行[1][2][3][4][5]

事源上個月14號,佛羅里達州帕克蘭道格拉斯高中(Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School)整咗單美國史上死傷最慘重嘅校園槍擊案,好彩死唔去嘅學生發起今次遊行[6]



  1. "You Marched. Now we fight for our lives". March For Our Lives. 原著喺2018年3月25號歸檔. 喺2018年3月26號搵到.
  2. May, Charlie (2月 18, 2018). "Florida student survivors announce 'March for Our Lives': Here's a time to talk about gun control". Salon. 原先內容歸檔喺2月 18, 2018. 喺2月 18, 2018搵到.
  3. Carlsen, Audrey; Patel, Jugal (March 22, 2018). "Across the United States". The New York Times. 喺March 24, 2018搵到.
  4. Editorial (March 21, 2018). "Take assault-weapons ban to the people". The Seattle Times. 喺March 24, 2018搵到.
  5. Langone, Alix (March 25, 2018). "These Photos Show How Big the March for Our Lives Crowds Were Across the Country". Time. 喺March 25, 2018搵到.
  6. 丁路德金9歲孫女:我有一個夢想應是無槍世界。蘋果日報。原著喺2020年3月15號歸檔。喺2018年3月26號搵到
  7. Allen, Mike (March 25, 2018). "Yesterday's global roar for gun control". Axios. 喺March 25, 2018搵到. Outside of D.C., more than 1.7 million people marched in 752 sibling marches across the U.S., in all 50 states and in 387 congressional districts, according to the Bloomberg-backed Everytown for Gun Safety, which helped organize them. So that's roughly 2 million across the U.S.
  8. ""March for Our Lives" rallies unfold nationwide". CBS News. March 24, 2018. 喺March 26, 2018搵到.
  9. Durando, Jessica (March 24, 2018). "March for Our Lives could be the biggest single-day protest in D.C.'s history". USA Today. 喺March 26, 2018搵到.