Template:Cite thesis/doc
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[編輯]Unpublished Doctoral, Masters thesis. Other Higher Research Degrees.
- These reports are to be published in the Wikipedia sense of verifiability: a University recognised by other Universities as capable of awarding research higher degrees must have accepted and passed the thesis or dissertation, and the dissertation must be available for consultation through abstracting / microfilming / electronic archiving / University Library access.
- Failed, unsubmitted, or incomplete theses are not Reliable Sources; and should not be used for verification purposes.
Published theses should be cited with {{cite_book}}. The degree parameter can be used for specifying the degree.
[編輯]Horizontal format:
{{Cite thesis |degree= |chapter= |title= |url= |author= |last= |first= |year= |publisher= |accessdate= |docket= |oclc= }}
- Ducklover, Arnold A (1901). On some aspects of Ducks (論文). Duck University.
- {{cite thesis|degree=Ph.D.|first=Arnold A|last=Ducklover|title=On some aspects of Ducks|publisher=Duck University|date=1901}}
- Ducklover, Arnold A (1901). On some aspects of Ducks (論文). Duck University.
- {{cite thesis|degree=M.Sc.|first=Arnold A|last=Ducklover|title=On some aspects of Ducks|publisher=Duck University|date=1901}}
- Ducklover, Arnold A (1901). On some aspects of Ducks (論文). Duck University.
- {{cite thesis|first=Arnold A|last=Ducklover|title=On some aspects of Ducks|publisher=Duck University|date=1901}}