User:Cellmi/Masoud Niazi


馬素,(係伊朗1988 年9月13號出世)係一個自由摔跤運動員。曾經參與過世界錦標賽同歐洲冠軍賽。佢係 2018 年世界錦標賽入面,比韓國既李承哲淘汰,係2019 年既世界錦標賽入面被蒙古的 Tomor Ochiryn Tulga 淘汰,佢仲係 2019 年參加左羅馬尼亞既歐洲錦標賽。

佢黎自伊朗,八歲開始學摔跤。從果時起,呢項運動就在他心入面根深蒂固。在伊朗期間,他係大學冠軍,並應伊朗國際摔跤隊主教練 Gholamreza Mohammadi 的邀請。

2012 年,Masoud 係荷蘭開啟左佢人生的新篇章。佢搬左去海爾德蘭既一個小鎮,叫做阿納姆。後黎 Masoud 繼續係University of Han 讀書。

係 2012 年到 2020 年,佢係荷蘭國家隊既隊員,仲拎到五項國家級冠軍和國際冠軍。大學畢業左之後,佢決定繼續他的職業摔跤生涯,仲代表荷蘭國家隊參加左 6 年的高級比賽。係呢度年入面,佢作為荷蘭國家隊既隊員,參加過世界錦標賽和歐洲錦標賽同好多國際性既大型比賽。

係2019年,Masoud 成為左中國香港柔道總會既香港柔道隊的教練和經理,相信在佢專業既帶領下,港隊既競爭力將會得到顯著提升。

伊朗名 مسعود نیازی
英文名 Masoud Niazi
原藉 伊朗
生日 1988 年9月13
出生地 伊朗霍拉馬巴德
幾高 米7,5尺6寸
幾重 143.3 磅 (65 公斤)
效力 荷蘭
玩咩運動 自由摔跤
教練 Gholamreza Morhammadi

Masoud Niazi, (born 13 September 1988 in Iran) is an Iranian freestyle wrestler who has competed in the World Championships and European Championships. He was eliminated by Lee Seung Chul from South Korea in World Championship 2018 and also in World Championship 2019  by Tomor Ochiryn Tulga  from Mongolia and also he competed in European Championship 2019 in Romania.

He is originally from Iran, Masoud started wrestling at the age of eight. The sport has been engrained in him ever since. While he was in Iran he been university’s champion and he been invited by Gholamreza Mohammadi the head Coach of wrestling international team of Iran.

In 2012, Masoud started a new chapter of his lives in the Netherlands. He moved to a small town in Gelderland which called Arnhem. Later Masoud attended to continue study in University HAN.

Since 2012 until 2020 he was Member of Netherlands national team and he earned Five Divison National Titles and also International titles.

After College, he decided to continue in his career wrestling and competed at the senior-level 6 years for Netherlands National team. In this five years he was a member of Netherlands national team in World Championship and European Championship and many international competition.

In 2019, the Judo Association of Hongkong China is pleased to appoint Masoud Niazi to be the Coach and Manager of Hongkong Judo Squad and their Association believes that the competitiveness of the Hongkong team will improved significantly under his professionalism.

Personal information
Native name مسعود نیازی
Full name Masoud Niazi
Nationality Iran
Born born 13 September 1988


Height 1.70 m (5.6)
Weight 143.3 lb (65 kg)
Country Netherlands
Sport Freestyle
Coached by Gholamreza Morhammadi


  1. ""NIAZI Masoud profile page". (in فارسی). Retrieved 2021-10-29".{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)