唐寧街10號 | |
明細 | |
建築風格 | 佐治亞風格 |
建築主 | Kenton Couse |
逳手 | 1682年;337年前 |
落成 | 1684年;335年前 |
喺邊 | 西敏市 倫敦,SW1 |
有大約100間房嘅首相府座落係倫敦西敏市唐寧街,已經有超過300年歷史。佢3樓有間私伙樓、地牢有間廚房,其他層數就係寫字樓、會議室、接待處、客飯廳,俾首相做嘢、接見大臣、國家元首同外國使節嘅地方。 後面就係一個庭院同埋一個望著半個維園咁大嘅花園嘅露台。隔離就係聖占士公園,所以都近住英國皇室喺倫敦嘅住處白金漢宮同埋國會兩院會面嘅地方西敏宮。
佐治二世喺1732年將原先係三間屋嘅10號賜俾羅拔華波爾爵士。華波爾就開咗個條件話你要送俾首席財相,唔係送畀我本人我先肯收。華波爾後嚟指派咗William Kent 將3間屋夾埋,就變成咗今日嘅唐寧街10號。
咁嘅安排其實本身都唔係咁成功。雖然佢夠大同埋近住國會,但係初初都冇乜幾個首相入嚟住。 因為佢維修又貴又冇人理又殘舊嘅關係,有幾次爭啲就要拆,好彩都留得低,後來亦都變到同歷史上好多政治家同事件有關。 戴卓爾夫人喺1985年就話過唐寧街10號已經變咗「其中一件珍貴嘅國家文物」。[1]
佢而家仲係英國內閣廳,即係由住客英國首相文翠珊主持俾英國內閣開會嘅地方。 佢亦都係首相嘅行政寫字樓,處理英國政府物流同對外關係嘅地方。[2]
For most of his premiership, Tony Blair lived in the more spacious residence above Number 11 to accommodate his large family. In May 2010, it was reported that David Cameron would also take up actual residence above Number 11, and his Chancellor, George Osborne, above Number 10.[3]
The symbol of British government, Number 10 became a gathering place for protesters. Emmeline Pankhurst and other suffragette leaders stormed Downing Street in 1908;[4] anti–Vietnam War protestors marched there in the 1960s, as did anti-Iraq and Afghanistan War protestors in the 2000s. Number 10 became an obligatory stop in every tourist's sightseeing trip to London. Ordinary people, not only British but foreign tourists, posed smiling and laughing in front of its famous door. [[Category:維基數據上面有座標]]
- ↑ Jones, in letter from Margaret Thatcher used as a preface to the book.
- ↑ "Trump and May to meet for talks in Davos after 'special relationship' tested".
- ↑ "Downing St? We'd really rather not". This Is London. 19 May 2010. 喺14 May 2017搵到.
- ↑ Minney, pp. 333–334