- 大英公使大臣住中華領事義律,軍師統帥水師總兵伯麥示,爲曉諭事:
- 照得本公使大臣奉命爲英國善定事宜,現經與欽差大臣爵閣部堂琦議定諸事,將香港等處全島地方,讓給英國寄居主掌,已有文據在案,是爾香港等處居民,現係歸屬大英國主之子民,故自應恭順樂服國主派來之官,其官亦必保護爾等安堵,不致一人致(受)害。至爾居民,向來所有田畝房舍產業家私,槪必如舊,斷不輕動。凡有禮儀所關,鄉約律例,率准仍舊,亦無絲毫更改之議。且未奉國主另降諭旨之先,擬應大清律例規矩之治,居民除不拷訊硏鞫外,其餘稍無所改。凡有長老治理鄉里者,仍聽如舊。惟須禀明英官治理可也。俏有英民及外國人等,致(致)害居民,准爾即赴附近官前禀明,定即爲爾查辦。自所有各省商船,來往貿易,均准任意買賣,所有稅餉船鈔掛號等規費,輸納大英國帑。儻嗣後有應示事,即派來官憲,隨時曉諭,責成鄉里長老,轉轄小民,使其從順。毋違特示。一千八百四十一年二月初一日(道光二十一年正月初十日)
- Bremer, Commander-in-chief, and Elliot, Plenipotentiary, &c. &c., by this Proclamation make known to the inhabitants of the Island of Hongkong, that that Island has now become part of the Dominions of the Queen of England by clear public agreement between the high officers of the Celestial and British Courts; and all native persons residing therein must understand, that they are now subjects of the Queen of England, to whom and to whose officers they must pay duty and obedience.
- The Inhabitants are hereby promised protection, in Her Majesty's gracious name, against all enemies whatever; and they are further secured in the free exercise of their religious rites, ceremonies, and social customs; and in the enjoyment of their lawful private property and interests. They will be governed, pending Her Majesty's further pleasure, according to the laws, customs, and usages of the Chinese (every description of torture excepted), by the Elders of Villages, subject to the control of a British Magistrate; and any person having complaint to prefer of ill-usage or injustice against any Englishman or Foreigner, will quietly make report to the nearest officer, to the end that full justice may be done.
- Chinese ships and merchants resorting to the Port of Hongkong for purpose of Trade are hereby exempted, in the name of the Queen of England, from charge or duty of any kind to the British Government. The Pleasure of the Government will be declared from time to time by further proclamation; and all heads of Villages are held responsible that the commands are duly respected and observed.
- Given under Seal of office, this 1st day of Feb. 1841.