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If you are here because, I reverted your edits or tagged your article creations for deletion
- There is a possibility that, I might have tagged your article for deletion or reverted your edits, I am sure I must have given a valid reason while doing so. But you can definitely ask for clarifications, questions or any suggestions which might make my cross-wiki work better. You can voice it on my talkpage.
- Importantly : I know and it's not a surprise for me at all that some of you might be intimated, disturbed even disgraced to see a open queer individual here being around and your homophobia will come out in the form of rejection of my work here. Seen it all the time, but I have hopes that as I have grown to not to react on your passive homophobia no matter how insulting, hurting it might be. There will be one day when we will rise all above this.
呢個係一個維基媒體全域用戶版。 如果你喺維基媒體計劃以外嘅網站搵到呢一版嘅話,噉你就睇緊一個鏡像網站。要留意嘅係嗰一版可能會過時,同時嗰個網站上面嘅嗰位用戶係可能無同嗰個網站有個人聯繫。原先版本嘅版係喺。 This is a Wikimedia global user page. If you find this page on any site other than a Wikimedia one, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user whom this page is about may have no personal affiliation with the site. The original page is located at | ![]() |