


  1. 位於 <pre> 同 </pre> 之外嘅文字會被忽略。
  2. 請以英文版嘅原始碼翻譯,以確保翻譯無誤。
  3. 建議對一小部份嘅原始碼作出修改,以確保原始碼嘅語法正確無誤。
  4. 擴展部件信息只會節錄英文同粵語部份,其它嘅語言將唔會列示。
  5. 根據MediaWiki軟件嘅讀我檔案,除非有特別嘅指明,否則以下所有嘅文字都會以GPL v2 或以上版本發佈。

$wgCiteMessages['en'] = array(
		Debug and errors

	# Internal errors
	'cite_croak' => 'Cite croaked; $1: $2',

	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_STR_INVALID         => 'Internal error; invalid $str',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_KEY_INVALID_1       => 'Internal error; invalid key',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_KEY_INVALID_2       => 'Internal error; invalid key',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_STACK_INVALID_INPUT => 'Internal error; invalid stack key',

	# User errors
	'cite_error' => 'Cite error $1; $2',

	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_NUMERIC_KEY               => 'Invalid call; expecting a non-integer key',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_NO_KEY                    => 'Invalid call; no key specified',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_TOO_MANY_KEYS             => 'Invalid call; invalid keys, e.g. too many or wrong key specified',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_NO_INPUT                  => 'Invalid call; no input specified',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_INVALID_INPUT      => 'Invalid input; expecting none',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_INVALID_PARAMETERS => 'Invalid parameters; expecting none',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_NO_BACKLINK_LABEL  => "Ran out of custom backlink labels, define more in the \"''cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels''\" message",

	   Output formatting
	'cite_reference_link_key_with_num' => '$1_$2',
	# Ids produced by <ref>
	'cite_reference_link_prefix'       => '_ref-',
	'cite_reference_link_suffix'       => '',
	# Ids produced by <references>
	'cite_references_link_prefix'      => '_note-',
	'cite_references_link_suffix'      => '',

	'cite_reference_link'                              => '<sup id="$1" class="reference">[[#$2|[$3]]]</sup>',
	'cite_references_link_one'                         => '<li id="$1">[[#$2|↑]] $3</li>',
	'cite_references_link_many'                        => '<li id="$1">↑ $2 $3</li>',
	'cite_references_link_many_format'                 => '[[#$1|<sup>$2</sup>]]',
	# An item from this set is passed as $3 in the message above
	'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z',
	'cite_references_link_many_sep'                    => "\xc2\xa0", //  
	'cite_references_link_many_and'                    => "\xc2\xa0", // &nbps;

	# Although I could just use # instead of <li> above and nothing here that
	# will break on input that contains linebreaks
	'cite_references_prefix' => '<ol class="references">',
	'cite_references_suffix' => '</ol>',
$wgCiteMessages['zh-yue'] = array(
		Debug and errors

	# Internal errors
	'cite_croak' => '引用阻塞咗; $1: $2',

	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_STR_INVALID         => '內部錯誤; 無效嘅 $str',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_KEY_INVALID_1       => '內部錯誤; 無效嘅匙',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_KEY_INVALID_2       => '內部錯誤; 無效嘅匙',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_STACK_INVALID_INPUT => '內部錯誤; 無效嘅堆疊匙',

	# User errors
	'cite_error' => '引用錯誤 $1; $2',

	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_NUMERIC_KEY               => '無效嘅呼叫; 需要一個非整數嘅匙',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_NO_KEY                    => '無效嘅呼叫; 未指定匙',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_TOO_MANY_KEYS             => '無效嘅呼叫; 無效嘅匙, 例如: 太多或者指定咗一個錯咗嘅匙',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REF_NO_INPUT                  => '無效嘅呼叫; 未指定輸入',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_INVALID_INPUT      => '無效嘅輸入; 唔需要有嘢',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_INVALID_PARAMETERS => '無效嘅參數; 唔需要有嘢',
	'cite_error_' . CITE_ERROR_REFERENCES_NO_BACKLINK_LABEL  => "用晒啲自定返回標籤, 響 \"''cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels''\" 信息再整多啲",

	   Output formatting
	'cite_reference_link_key_with_num' => '$1_$2',
	# Ids produced by <ref>
	'cite_reference_link_prefix'       => '_ref-',
	'cite_reference_link_suffix'       => '',
	# Ids produced by <references>
	'cite_references_link_prefix'      => '_note-',
	'cite_references_link_suffix'      => '',

	'cite_reference_link'                              => '<sup id="$1" class="reference">[[#$2|[$3]]]</sup>',
	'cite_references_link_one'                         => '<li id="$1">[[#$2|↑]] $3</li>',
	'cite_references_link_many'                        => '<li id="$1">↑ $2 $3</li>',
	'cite_references_link_many_format'                 => '[[#$1|<sup>$2</sup>]]',
	# An item from this set is passed as $3 in the message above
	'cite_references_link_many_format_backlink_labels' => 'a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z',
	'cite_references_link_many_sep'                    => "\xc2\xa0", //  
	'cite_references_link_many_and'                    => "\xc2\xa0", // &nbps;

	# Although I could just use # instead of <li> above and nothing here that
	# will break on input that contains linebreaks
	'cite_references_prefix' => '<ol class="references">',
	'cite_references_suffix' => '</ol>',