



  1. 位於 <pre> 同 </pre> 之外嘅文字會被忽略。
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  4. 擴展部件信息只會節錄英文同粵語部份,其它嘅語言將唔會列示。
  5. 根據MediaWiki軟件嘅讀我檔案,除非有特別嘅指明,否則以下所有嘅文字都會以GPL v2 或以上版本發佈。

$wgConfirmEditMessages['en'] = array(
	'captcha-short'              => "Your edit includes new URL links; as a protection against automated spam, you'll need to type in the words that appear in this image:<br />
([[Special:Captcha/help|What is this?]])",
	'captchahelp-title'          => 'Captcha help',
	'captchahelp-text'           => "Web sites that accept postings from the public, like this wiki, are often abused by spammers who use automated tools to post their links to many sites. While these spam links can be removed, they are a significant nuisance.

Sometimes, especially when adding new web links to a page, the wiki may show you an image of colored or distorted text and ask you to type the words shown. Since this is a task that's hard to automate, it will allow most real humans to make their posts while stopping most spammers and other robotic attackers.

Unfortunately this may inconvenience users with limited vision or using text-based or speech-based browsers. At the moment we do not have an audio alternative available. Please contact the site administrators for assistance if this is unexpectedly preventing you from making legitimate posts.

Hit the 'back' button in your browser to return to the page editor.",
	'captcha-createaccount'      => "As a protection against automated spam, you'll need to type in the words that appear in this image to register an account:<br />
([[Special:Captcha/help|What is this?]])",
	'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "Incorrect or missing confirmation code.",
$wgConfirmEditMessages['zh-yue'] = array(
	'captcha-short'              => "你編輯的內容中含有新的URL連結;為咗避免受到自動垃圾程式的侵擾,你需要輸入顯示喺下面圖片度嘅文字:<br />
	'captchahelp-title'          => 'Captcha 幫助',
	'captchahelp-text'           => "就好似呢個wiki咁,對公眾開放編輯嘅網站係會經常受到垃圾連結騷擾。嗰啲人利用自動化垃圾程序將佢哋嘅連結張貼到好多網站。雖然呢啲連結可以被清除,但係呢啲嘢確實令人十分之討厭。



	'captcha-createaccount'      => "為咗防止程式自動註冊,你需要輸入以下圖片中顯示的文字先至能夠註冊得到個戶口:<br />
	'captcha-createaccount-fail' => "驗證碼錯誤或者唔見咗。",