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 * Internationalisation file for the Patroller extension
 * @package MediaWiki
 * @subpackage Extensions
 * @author Rob Church <robchur@gmail.com>
 * @copyright © 2006 Rob Church
 * @licence GNU General Public Licence 2.0

function efPatrollerMessages() {
	$messages = array(
'en' => array(
'patrol' => 'Patrol edits',
'patrol-endorse' => 'Endorse',
'patrol-revert' => 'Revert',
'patrol-revert-reason' => 'Reason:',
'patrol-skip' => 'Skip',
'patrol-reverting' => 'Reverting: $1',	
'patrol-nonefound' => 'No suitable edits could be found for patrolling.',
'patrol-endorsed-ok' => 'The edit was marked patrolled.',
'patrol-endorsed-failed' => 'The edit could not be marked patrolled.',
'patrol-reverted-ok' => 'The edit was reverted.',
'patrol-reverted-failed' => 'The edit could not be reverted.',
'patrol-skipped-ok' => 'Ignoring edit.',
'patrol-reasons' => "* Simple vandalism\n* Newbie test\n* See talk page",
'patrol-another' => 'Show another edit, if available.',
'patrol-stopped' => 'You have opted not to patrol another edit. $1',
'patrol-resume' => 'Click here to resume.',

'zh-yue' => array(
'patrol' => '巡啲編輯',
'patrol-endorse' => '簽署支持',
'patrol-revert' => '打回頭',
'patrol-revert-reason' => '理由:',
'patrol-skip' => '跳',
'patrol-reverting' => '打回頭:$1',	
'patrol-nonefound' => '揾唔到好嘅版本來簽。',
'patrol-endorsed-ok' => '嘜咗哩版做「巡過」',
'patrol-endorsed-failed' => '哩版唔嘜得做「巡過」。',
'patrol-reverted-ok' => '打咗版嘢回頭。',
'patrol-reverted-failed' => '打唔到哩版嘢回頭。',
'patrol-skipped-ok' => '唔理哩次編輯。',
'patrol-reasons' => "* 塗鴉\n* 生手試玩\n* 見討論頁",
'patrol-another' => '試揾另一版睇吓。',
'patrol-stopped' => '你决定唔再巡。 $1',
'patrol-resume' => '撳呢度繼續。',
	return $messages;
