呢篇文或者呢段要 翻譯(或者由 en:Wikipedia:Simplified_Ruleset 加料)。 |
![]() | 呢頁喺英文維基百科嘅對應頁係一項正式政策,但粵語維基百科重未達成共識。所以內容只供參考。 請參照英文版嘅對應頁或討論頁以進一步完善內容,提議同參與討論佢係唔係可以成為粵語維基百科嘅正式政策同指引。 |
維基百科係樣「持續、唔停」嘅過程--你寫嘅嘢會世代流傳架! Even deletions are recorded, so anything you do here remains an accessible part of Wikipedia, available for future reference. But don't be anxious! While editing, keep in mind the following things, and you will soon find yourself making effective contributions to the project.
The primary objective of Wikipedia is to produce a high-quality encyclopedia, and most pages are encyclopedia articles. However, given that there is no official structure policing the quality of articles, the Wikipedia community has spawned its own rules, procedures and values, which continue to evolve. Some of these values are informal and you will learn them from observing, asking, or being told by other editors. Some are formal (and their page titles are preceded by "Wikipedia:", like this page). Whilst there are rules and procedures covering everything from serious, right down to fun, a few are really important. These few are mostly common sense about respecting how Wikipedia works and what it tries to do, but also reflect the accumulated experience of hundreds of editors who are constantly learning and refining core values, which help us avoid or resolve conflicts over content, and which guide us in our constant effort to improve articles.
If you follow these behaviors, you will likely be treated with kindness and respect. As you gain experience, you might learn of additional style guides, handy ways to do things etc. But don't worry too much if you don't understand at first. Someone will clean up after you, and, as time goes on, you'll learn more of the subtleties of how to be a great encyclopedist!
There is no strict set of rules, instead there is a set of guidelines which you can choose to follow. You might see people do things that are plainly not in accordance with these guidelines, but which may still be well within the actual Wikipedia policies. The "be gracious" guideline applies in those situations too. In many cases, well-informed and well-intentioned editors working on an article just have to sort out among themselves the most appropriate way to improve the article.
[編輯]- 中立嘅觀點. Write from a neutral point of view. This is a fundamental principle, which allows us to make a fair representation of the world around us. Even if material is verifiable, it is still important to put it into a balanced and representative form so that it conveys a fair impression of the views of the many significant viewpoints on a subject.
- 求證得到. Articles should contain only material that has been published by reputable sources. Editors adding new information into an article should cite a reputable source for that information, otherwise it may be removed by any editor. The obligation to provide a reputable source is on editors wishing to include information, not on those seeking to remove it.
- 唔可以有原創研究. Articles may not contain any previously unpublished arguments, concepts, data, ideas, statements, or theories. Moreover, articles may not contain any new analysis or synthesis of: published arguments, concepts, data, ideas, or statements — that serves to advance a position.
[編輯]The intent of these guidelines is to provide a safe set of rules of thumb. Follow these behaviours, and you'll likely not get into trouble, and will also do fairly well at requests for adminship, over time.
- 放膽!上!:想加料?有嘢想改?即管上!wiki就係咁架啦!多多鼓勵其他人,尤其同你意見唔同嘅人,總之,放膽!上!
- 斯文啲:幾時對人都要咁啦
- 唔使理規矩:如果啲規矩阻住你寫好篇文,話之佢寫咗先慢慢再算
- 心思思,有件事,遇疑難,去討論頁. We have all the time in the world. Mutual respect is the guiding behavioural principle of Wikipedia and, although everyone knows that their writing may be edited mercilessly, it is easier to accept changes if the reasons for them are understood. If you discuss changes on the article's talk (or discussion) page before you make them, you should reach consensus faster and happier.
- Decent edit summaries and clear and transparent explanations are universally appreciated. Other editors need to understand your process, and it also helps you yourself to understand what you did after a long leave of absence from an article. Please state what you changed and why. If the explanation is too long, elucidate on the discussion page. It is a fundamental principle of Wikipedia that anyone may edit articles without registering, so there are a lot of changes to watch; edit summaries simplify this.
- 假定善意;in other words, try to consider the person on the other end of the discussion to be a thinking, rational being who is trying to positively contribute to Wikipedia. Even if you're convinced that they're Evil reptilian kitten eaters from another planet, still pretend they're acting in good faith. Ninety percent of the time, you'll find that they actually are acting in good faith (and wouldn't you have looked stupid if you'd accused them of being evil).
- Particularly, don't revert good faith edits. Reverting is a little too powerful sometimes, hence the three-revert rule. Don't succumb to the temptation, unless you're reverting very obvious vandalism (like "LALALALAL*&*@#@THIS_SUX0RZsammygoo", or someone changing "4+5=9" to "4+5=30"). If you really can't stand something, revert once, with an edit summary something like "(rv) I disagree strongly, I'll explain why in talk." and immediately take it to talk.
- 大方啲:你點對人人哋點對你。儘可能心平氣和一啲,客氣啲,免傷和氣。
- 簽名;討論頁傾嘢記得簽返個名(加~~~~跟你段字尾,就會自動出現你個名同日期),不過主文就唔使簽名,唔好手多多加個簽姓名喺啲文度喎。
- 用Show preview預覽;出文之前用預覽睇吓篇文先,睇清楚無錯先出,咁可以唔搞到編輯歷史嗰頁成大堆嘢。
- 基本要求;維基百科有五道真正規則:中立觀點,版左,維基,邊個都改得,珍寶同埋塊理事版有最終話事權。 If you disagree strongly with them, you may want to consider whether Wikipedia is the right place for you at all. While anything can theoretically be changed on a wiki, the community up to this point has been built on these principles and is highly unlikely to move away from them in the future. A lot of thought has been put into them and they've worked for us so far; do give them a fair shake before attempting to radically change them or leaving the project.
- 小心版權,唔好亂抄嘢. Wikipedia uses the GNU Free Documentation License. Everything you contribute must be compatible with that license.