
Zoo Station


Zoo Station係由美國嘅搖滾樂隊——U2負責唱嘅一首歌。呢首歌喺佢1991年出嘅Achtung Baby專輯入面。喺佢呢份專輯嘅開頭樂入面,「Zoo Station」就係介紹咗佢樂隊嘅新聲、同埋發佈電子打擊樂入面,帶有結他同有人唱嘅多層次失真節奏。同樣,佢嘅歌曲都建議去到發售嘅預期目標同埋新嘅意向。而佢嘅歌曲介紹入面,都帶有打擊樂同埋又彎又滑嘅結他節奏。而呢啲節奏就係為咗俾聽眾話呢個專輯唔係U2最近錄嘅新作品同埋之前啲作品唔係佢哋嘅收官之作。

  • Assayas, Michka (2005). Bono: In Conversation with Michka Assayas. New York: Riverhead Books. ISBN 1-57322-309-3.
  • Creswell, Toby (2006). 1001 Songs: The Great Songs of All Time and the Artists, Stories, and Secrets. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1-56025-915-9.
  • Fast, Susan (2000). "Music, Contexts, and Meaning in U2". 出自 Everett, Walter (編). Expression in Pop-Rock Music: A Collection of Critical and Analytical Essays (Studies in Contemporary Music and Culture). New York: Garland Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8153-3160-5.
  • Flanagan, Bill (1996). U2 at the End of the World (第Paperback版). New York: Delta. ISBN 978-0-385-31157-1.
  • Graham, Bill; van Oosten de Boer, Caroline (2004). U2: The Complete Guide to their Music. London: Omnibus Press. ISBN 0-7119-9886-8.
  • Stokes, Niall (2005). U2: Into the Heart: The Stories Behind Every Song. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press. ISBN 1-56025-765-2.
  • U2 (2006). McCormick, Neil (編). U2 by U2. London: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-00-719668-7.
  • Zak, Albin (2001). The Poetics of Rock: Cutting Tracks, Making Records. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-23224-2.

