


 世界知識產權日粵拼sai3 gaai3 zi1 sik1 caan2 kyun4 jat6世界知識產權組織呼籲全球各地同國際組織辦活動,嚟宣傳同專利商標、工業品外觀設計、版權等同知識產權有關嘅知識。節日從2001年開始,每年嘅4月26號搞。




  1. Letter of 7 April 1999 from Amor Bouhnik, Director General of the National Algerian Institute for Industrial Property, to the Director General of WIPO (Ref: 027 DG/MS/99) in World Intellectual Property Organization web site, "WIPO General Assembly, Twenty-Fourth (14th Ordinary) Session, Geneva, 20 to 29 September 1999, Institutionalization of an International Day for Intellectual Property. Proposal by the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria". 原著喺22 December 2003歸檔. 喺28 April 2007搵到., WO/GA/24/7, 10 August 1999.
  2. Letter dated 9 August 1999 from Jiang Ying, Commissioner of the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China, to Dr. Kamil Idris, Director General of World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, in World Intellectual Property Organization web site, "WIPO General Assembly, Twenty-Fourth (14th Ordinary) Session, Geneva, 20 to 29 September 1999, Institutionalization of a World Intellectual Property Day. Proposal by the People's Republic of China". 原著喺22 December 2003歸檔. 喺28 April 2007搵到., 20 August 1999.
  3. World Intellectual Property Organization, WIPO General Assembly, Twenty-Sixth (12th Extraordinary) Session, Geneva, 25 September to 3 October 2000, Memorandum of the Director General 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2007年6月15號,., WO/GA/26/2, 26 July 2000.

