


人民主權係一個政治學嘅概念,代表一個嘅政府,應該係由佢嘅人民所同意底下而運作。因爲呢個只係一個概念,所以冇受一個特定嘅政制所規限[a]Benjamin Franklin 都曾經對呢個概念表示支持,話過:“喺一個自由嘅政府入面,領袖都係僕人,而人民先係主人”[1]



  1. Leonard Levy 話人民主權嘅概念並唔決定一份憲法嘅實行,只係解釋呢份憲法嘅權力來源 (Tarcov 1986, v. 3, p. 1426).

  1. Benjamin Franklin (2003). The Political Thought of Benjamin Franklin. Edited by Ralph Ketchum; Hackett Publishing. p. 398. ISBN 0872206831.


  • Childers, Christopher (2012), The Failure of Popular Sovereignty: Slavery, Manifest Destiny, and the Radicalization of Southern Politics, University of Kansas Press, p. 334
  • Etcheson, Nicole (Spring–Summer 2004), "The Great Principle of Self-Government: Popular Sovereignty and Bleeding Kansas", Kansas History, 27: 14–29 links it to Jacksonian Democracy
  • Johannsen, Robert W. (1973), Stephen A. Douglas, Oxford University Press, pp. 576–613.
  • Adams, Willi Paul (1980), The First American Constitutions: Republican Ideology and the Making of the State Constitutions in the Revolutionary Era, University of North Carolina Press, ISBN 978-0-7425-2069-1