

比鄰星bProxima Centauri bProxima b[1][2])係一粒太陽系外行星,喺紅矮星比鄰星(距離太陽最近嘅恆星)宜居帶之內[3]。呢粒行星距離地球大約 4.2 光年(40萬億公里),喺天球嘅半人馬座裏面 。比鄰星b 係已知距離太陽系最近嘅系外行星,亦係已知距離最近嘅宜居帶內嘅系外行星。粒星用徑向速度法發現。


  1. "Earth-like planet discovered orbiting sun's neighbor". CNN. 24 August 2016. 喺24 August 2016搵到. A planet named Proxima b has been discovered orbiting the closest star to our sun.
  2. Davis, Nicola (24 August 2016). "Discovery of potentially Earth-like planet Proxima b raises hopes for life". The Guardian. 喺24 August 2016搵到.
  3. Chang, Kenneth (24 August 2016). "One Star Over, a Planet That Might Be Another Earth". New York Times. 喺24 August 2016搵到.