牛橋(英文:Oxbridge),或者叫做牛劍,係英國兩間大學牛津大學同埋劍橋大學嘅合稱,兩間大學之間因為有好多共同點而被人合稱為「牛橋」,但同時兩間大學之間又有歷史悠久嘅競爭關係同埋好多唔同嘅地方 [1]。
[編輯]- ↑ Oxford English Dictionary (第3版). Oxford University Press. 2005. 原著喺2020-07-28歸檔. 喺2016-09-23搵到.
Originally: a fictional university, esp. regarded as a composite of Oxford and Cambridge. Subsequently also (now esp.): the universities of Oxford and Cambridge regarded together, esp. in contrast to other British universities. adj Of, relating to, characteristic of, or reminiscent of Oxbridge (freq. with implication of superior social or intellectual status