

姓名原文Ellie Taylor
出生日1983年11月28號 喺Wikidata改呢個 (41歲)
出生地Brentwood 喺Wikidata改呢個
國籍英國 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
母校St Martin's School Brentwood 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業諧星、電視主持 喺Wikidata改呢個

艾莉泰萊英文Ellie Taylor1983年11月28號—)係一個英國電視主播棟篤笑藝人。



艾莉泰萊喺雅息士郡布倫活出世[1]約克大學英文University of York文學系畢業[2]。佢喺FHM雜誌做過學徒,期間俾星探發掘過做模特兒,但佢決定做活動籌劃,唔做模特兒[3]



佢參加ITV棟篤笑比賽Show Me The Funny俾評判睇中,2014年出道,喺愛丁堡國際藝穗節開咗場叫Ellementary嘅棟篤笑[4]

2015年起,佢每年都會出席BBC第二台嘅搞笑問答節目 Mock The Week[5]


2017年起,佢同Nish Kumar等幾位笑星合作,喺英國廣播公司搞咗個諷刺時弊嘅節目The Mash Report。喺呢個節目入面,佢扮演一個新聞主播,要木口木面噉讀啲好好笑、好煽情嘅搞笑新聞頭條[1]。佢喺呢個節目嘅演出片段俾麥當娜轉載,令佢出咗名[7]



艾莉泰萊個老公係CNN記者Phil Black,佢哋2014年喺倫敦結婚[8],2018年生咗個女[9]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Ellie Taylor interview: If it all ends tomorrow I can say I did it and nobody can take that away from me | London Evening Standard". web.archive.org. 2018-01-30. 歸檔時間2018-01-30. 喺2020-02-09搵到.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  2. "Show Me the Funny". 原著喺25 January 2012歸檔.
  3. Dessau, Bruce (13 July 2017). "Ellie Taylor interview: If it all ends tomorrow I can say I did it and nobody can take that away from me". Standard.co.uk. 原先內容歸檔喺2 July 2019. 喺2 September 2019搵到.
  4. Black, Suzanne (10 August 2014). "Ellie Taylor: Elliementary – Edinburgh Festival". The List. The List Ltd. 原著喺2015-06-21歸檔. 喺2015-06-20搵到.
  5. Eames, Tom (28 May 2014). "Mock the Week to celebrate 10th birthday with 14th series". Digital Spy. 原先內容歸檔喺19 June 2015. 喺20 June 2015搵到.
  6. Brennan, Siofra (2016-02-02). "Ellie Taylor posts selfies showing the upsides of not having kids". Mail Online. 喺2020-02-10搵到.
  7. "The Mash Report's in Vogue with Madonna". 16 January 2019. 原先內容歸檔喺16 January 2019. 喺15 March 2019搵到.
  8. "TV presenter Ellie Taylor marries CNN reporter Phil Black". London Wedding Photographer David Pullum (美國英文). 2014-12-29. 原著喺2016-12-01歸檔. 喺2016-11-30搵到.
  9. "Who Is Ellie Taylor? New Details On The Comic From 'Comedians Of The World' On Netflix". YourTango (英文). 2019-01-10. 喺2020-02-10搵到.