軍事社會學(英文:Military sociology)係社會學嘅其中一個分支。佢同C. Wright Mills嘅傳召去連接個人社會去更闊嘅社會結構有緊密嘅關係[1][2]。軍事社會學目標係當佢係一種社會團體去系統化咁讀,而唔係當佢係軍事組織去讀。呢個高度獨立嘅學科分支係探究一啲議題關於唔同群體入面嘅人事當考慮到佢哋嘅共同利益,例如志業同應對上嘅生存而做出集體性脅迫嘅行動。軍事社會學都會關注政軍關係同埋其他群體或政府機構之間嘅互動。
[編輯]- Armed Forces & Society
- Caforio, Giuseppe, (ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of the Military, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2006
- Grandstaff, Mark. "Military Sociology" in Charles Messenger, ed. Reader's Guide to Military History (2001) pp 363–64 online; evaluates major books
- Malesevic, Sinisa. 2010. The Sociology of War and Violence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Paparone, Chris. 2013. The Sociology of Military Science. NY: Bloomsbury.
- Sarkesian, Sam C., Williams, John Allen, Bryant, Fred B., Soldiers, Society, and National Security, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 1995
- Segal, David and Morten Ender. 2008. “Sociology in Military Officer Education.” Armed Forces & Society, vol. 35: pp. 3–15. [1]
- Ender, Morten; Ryan Kelty and Irving Smith. 2008. “Sociology at West Point.” Armed Forces & Society, vol. 35: pp. 49–70. [2]
- Kawano, Hitoshi. 2008. “The Expanding role of Sociology at Japan National Defense Academy: From Not to Some and More?”Armed Forces & Society, vol. 35: pp. 122–144. [3]
- Obraztsov, Igor. 2008. “Teaching Sociology in Military Educational Institutions of Russia.” Armed Forces & Society, vol. 35: pp. 162–179. [4]
- Kucera, Thomas (2014). "The Strategic Significance of Ethical Imperatives The Case of the German Armed Forces" Armed Forces & Society Available Online
- Paparone, Chris (2017) [5] "How we fight: A critical exploration of US military doctrine." Organization 24, no. 4 (2017): 516–533.
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