
2004年印度洋大地震係2004年12月26號(拆禮物日)響印尼蘇門答臘對出嘅海底發生嘅大地震。呢次地震更引起海嘯,印度洋沿岸嘅泰國、馬爾代夫、印度、緬甸、斯里蘭卡、肯雅、毛里裘斯等國受災,死咗 20 幾萬人。事發之後嘅救援行動亦係史無前例嘅。
[編輯]- The December 26, 2004, Sumatra Earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami: Field Perspectives on the Impacts to the Peoples, Cultures, Politics, and Economies of One of the World's Most Vibrant Regions, Speaker: Tom Casadevall, September 26, 2006. Sponsored by Center for Global Studiesand Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
- Special Event Page, Amateur Seismic Centre, India
- Seismograms for this earthquake via REV, the Rapid Earthquake Viewer
- Sumatra-Andaman Islands Earthquake - IRIS Special Report
- BBC, History of deadly earthquakes