

Ecopath with Ecosim
開發者Ecopath 研究同發展聯盟
最新發布6.6.8 / 2022年11月4日
測試版6.7 alpha (需申請) / 2022年11月4日
程式語言Visual Basic.NET, C#
作業系統Windows Vista (不支援), 7, 8*, 10, 11 (EwE 桌面版本), UnixLinux (EwE 核心經 Mono)
平台.NET Framework 4.8
許可協議GPL v2

Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) 係一個免費同開放原始碼生態系統模型軟件套件,最初由NOAAJeffrey Polovina開始,但之後主要喺英屬哥倫比亞大學嘅前UBC 漁業中心發展。2007年,呢個軟件被列為 NOAA 200年歷史中十大最大科學突破之一。NOAA 引用話 Ecopath 「革新咗全球科學家理解複雜海洋生態系統嘅能力」。[1] 背後係超過三十年嘅發展工作,與一個繁榮嘅漁業科學家網絡如Villy ChristensenCarl WaltersDaniel Pauly,同埋世界各地嘅軟件工程師合作。EwE 係透過項目、用戶貢獻、用戶支持、培訓課程同合作開發資助嘅。至2021年11月,估計有超過8000個用戶喺150多個國家嘅學術界非政府組織私人行業政府使用。



EwE 有三個主要組件:

  • Ecopath – 系統嘅靜態、質量平衡快照[2]
  • Ecosim – 用於政策探索嘅時間動態模擬模塊[3]
  • Ecospace – 用於探索捕魚、保護區設置[4]同環境變化綜合影響嘅空間同時間動態模塊。



Ecopath 軟件包可以用嚟:

Ecopath 6.0 版本嘅開發[15]得到Lenfest 海洋計劃Pew 慈善信託嘅支持。2011年,Ecopath 研究同發展聯盟成立,與世界各地嘅機構共同承擔維護和進一步發展嘅責任。EwE 完全依賴用戶參與持續嘅軟件開發同新版本嘅發布。

Ecopath with Ecosim 嘅桌面版本只喺Windows上運行,需要Microsoft Access 數據庫驅動程序2007或更新版本。Ecopath with Ecosim 嘅計算核心可以經Mono 公共語言運行時喺其他操作系統如UnixLinux上運行。[16] 以R、Matlab同Fortran開發嘅衍生版本係獨立於 EwE 桌面版本開發,唔受 Ecopath 研究同發展聯盟支持。



2013年,開發工作集中喺 Ecopath International Initiative, Spain,並與 Ecopath 研究同發展聯盟監督下嘅社區驅動開發模式轉換同步進行。[17] 由於該方法唔獲得任何核心資金,Ecopath with Ecosim 方法而家完全依賴用戶貢獻項目資金持續開發同發布。


  1. NOAA, 2007. ECOPATH Modeling: Precursor to an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management [WWW Document]. URL http://celebrating200years.noaa.gov/breakthroughs/ecopath/welcome.html (accessed 8.26.12).
  2. Christensen, V. and Pauly, D., 1992. Ecopath II - a software for balancing steady-state ecosystem models and calculating network characteristics. Ecological Modelling, 61:169-185.
  3. Walters, C., Christensen, V. and Pauly, D., 1997. Structuring dynamic models of exploited ecosystems from trophic mass-balance assessments. Rev Fish Biol Fish, 7:139-172
  4. Walters, C., Pauly, D. and Christensen, V., 1999. Ecospace: Prediction of mesoscale spatial patterns in trophic relationships of exploited ecosystems, with emphasis on the impacts of 海洋保護區. Ecosystems, 2:539-554.
  5. Sinnickson, Dylan; Chagaris, David; Allen, Micheal (10 6月 2021). "Exploring Impacts of River Discharge on Forage Fish and Predators Using Ecopath With Ecosim". Frontiers in Marine Science. 8. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.689950. Template:ProQuest.
  6. Christensen, V. and Pauly, D. (Editors), 1993. Trophic Models of 水生生態系統. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 26, Manila, 390 p.
  7. Walters, C.J., Christensen, V., Martell, S.J. and Kitchell, J.F., 2005. Possible ecosystem impacts of applying MSY policies from single-species assessment. ICES J Mar Sci, 62:558-568.
  8. Christensen, V. and Walters, C.J., 2004. Trade-offs in ecosystem-scale optimization of fisheries management policies. Bull Mar Sci, 74:549-562
  9. Walters, C.J. and Martell, S.J.D., 2004. Fisheries Ecology and Management. Princeton University Press, Princeton, 399 p.
  10. Christensen, V. and Booth, S., 2006. Ecosystem modeling of dioxin distribution patterns in the marine environment. Chapter 6. In: J. Alder and D. Pauly (Editor), On the multiple uses of small 上層魚es: from ecosystems to markets. UBC Fisheries Centre Research Reports 14(3). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia [ISSN 1198-6727], Vancouver
  11. Walters, William J.; Christensen, Villy (2018). "Ecotracer: analyzing concentration of contaminants and radioisotopes in an aquatic spatial-dynamic food web model". Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 181: 118–127. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2017.11.008. ISSN 0265-931X. PMID 29145014.
  12. Guénette, Sylvie; Heymans, Sheila JJ; Christensen, Villy; Trites, Andrew W (2006). "Ecosystem models show combined effects of fishing, predation, competition, and ocean productivity on Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in Alaska". Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 63 (11): 2495–2517. doi:10.1139/f06-136. ISSN 0706-652X.
  13. Christensen, Villy; Coll, Marta; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Buszowski, Joe; Chagaris, Dave; Walters, Carl J. (2014). "Representing Variable Habitat Quality in a Spatial Food Web Model". Ecosystems. 17 (8): 1397–1412. doi:10.1007/s10021-014-9803-3. ISSN 1432-9840. S2CID 3896465.
  14. Steenbeek, Jeroen; Coll, Marta; Gurney, Leigh; Mélin, Frédéric; Hoepffner, Nicolas; Buszowski, Joe; Christensen, Villy (2013). "Bridging the gap between ecosystem modeling tools and geographic information systems: Driving a food web model with external spatial–temporal data". Ecological Modelling. 263: 139–151. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2013.04.027. ISSN 0304-3800.
  15. Christensen, V. and Lai, S., 2007. Ecopath with Ecosim 6: the sequel. The Sea Around Us Project Newsletter, 43:1-4 (September–October).
  16. Steenbeek, Jeroen; Buszowski, Joe; Christensen, Villy; Akoglu, Ekin; Aydin, Kerim; Ellis, Nick; Felinto, Dalai; Guitton, Jerome; Lucey, Sean; Kearney, Kelly; Mackinson, Steven; Pan, Mike; Platts, Mark; Walters, Carl (1月 2016). "Ecopath with Ecosim as a model-building toolbox: Source code capabilities, extensions, and variations". Ecological Modelling. 319: 178–189. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.06.031.
  17. Heymans, J.J.; Coll, Marta; Link, J.S.; Mackinson, Steve; Steenbeek, Jeroen; Christensen, Villy (2016). "Best practice in Ecopath with Ecosim food-web models for ecosystem-based management". Ecological Modelling. 331: 173–184. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2015.12.007. hdl:10261/135094.



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