User talk:Tomchiukc


好歡迎你來到粵語維基百科,你可以跟住維基百科嘅規則,來寫維基百科嘅文章。因為係早創階段,規章同埋規模未係咁整齊,之不過會同其他維基百科睇齊。希望你鍾意來呢度寫嘢,同埋做個維基人。順便講下,響唔同討論版同投票版,都記得打三個~來簽個字,好似咁~~~,而四個~(~~~~)可以有埋你個名同日子。有乜嘢問題,可以睇下Wikipedia:城市論壇問下呢度嘅維基人,亦都可以去我個討論版問下我。再一次歡迎你!^_^ HenryLi 04:47, 10 六月 2006 (UTC)

Tomchiukc, 你好,見到你嘅編輯摘要,我想清少少誤會。

  • 廣東話維基百科嘅政策跟英文維基百科。客觀中立係基本原則。
  • 首先講明,你咁寫福佳始終有你都好。但我想同你討論下:維基百科入面中立觀點係乜?中立觀點同無觀點有乜分別?


All Wikipedia articles and other encyclopedic content must be written from a neutral point of view (NPOV), representing fairly and without bias all significant views (that have been published by reliable sources).

指名道姓,同「對事唔對人」 或者中立觀點 無矛盾,只要講嘅係事實就得。你可以話一句嘢無出版根據,維基唔收,但唔可以話一件客觀事實唔中立。用「有管理員」代替時昭叫做「避忌」,唔係中立;我地睇大衆傳媒好多避忌,因為渠地要考慮社會影響;而維基就通常唔須亦唔會避忌。而且睇下: en:WP:STYLE#Avoid peacock and weasel terms 有例:

If you wish to, or must refer to an opinion, first make sure it is given by someone who holds some standing in that subject. A view on former American President Gerald Ford from Henry Kissinger is more interesting for the reader than one from your teacher at school. Then say who holds the opinion being given, preferably with a source or a quote for it. Compare the following:

Some critics of George W. Bush have said he has low intelligence.

Author Michael Moore in his book Stupid White Men wrote an open letter to George Bush. In it, he asked, "George, are you able to read and write on an adult level?".


我地呢度同理。 要完全交代蘋果日報報導福佳始終有你件事背景,要指出作者懷疑嘅「政治動機」指乜;但要交代邊種「政治目的」,就有須要指出管理員背景;但如只講「住響中國大陸嘅管理員」,又會誤導;只有寫明係時昭先至最客觀;渠嘅貢獻大家睇到;大家知導渠攞好多文來刪,唔理政唔政治;而且渠幫維基手,解決網絡封鎖做咗好多嘢,重有時喺維基內講啲禁書,我唔信時昭幫中共做嘢。 *: )Hillgentleman | 2007年6月19號 (二) 06:22 (UTC)[回覆]