Then Illuvatar said to them: 'Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music. And since I have kindled you with the Flame Imperishable, ye shall show forth your powers in adorning this theme, each with his own thoughts and devices, if he will....' --AINULINALE, J.R.R.Tolkien.
咁就靠編輯政策。(所以,大家考慮政策時,記住沉默嘅維基友!)成熟嘅維 基,好似英文維基百科,咁多人睇,編輯政策就要緊;新嘅維基,重喺原始積累階段,就可寛容少少,畀長啲時間人改正--當然,錯一定要改,唔識改都要嘜住先--因為細維基嘅正反合週期自然會長啲。
- 有嘢講:/Comment: 有乜問題?評論?
--Hillgentleman | 書 2007年6月15號 (五) 05:19 (UTC)
Openness and inclusiveness are indispensible for us, but these are our radical means to our radical ends.
- 有嘢講:/Comment: 珍寶威話過:[1]
I'm 100% committed to a goal of a "traditional encylopedia or better" quality for Wikipedia, and all of our social rules should revolve around that. Openness and inclusiveness are indispensible for us, but these are our radical means to our radical ends. - 我一百% 投入畀維基百科「傳統百科全書或更正」嘅質素嘅目標,而我地全部街坊規矩應圍住渠。我地唔可缺少開放同包容,渠地係我地大膽目的嘅大膽手段。
--Hillgentleman | 書 2007年6月15號 (五) 05:31 (UTC)
- 有嘢講:/Comment:
My take on the translation: