
Wikipedia talk:當年今日/11月6號


英國女王同澳大利亞同加拿大女王係同一個人。就係咁多。就算忽然英國變做共和,英聯邦第啲國同地,尤其係嗰啲保守嘅島仔,都好可能會繼續奉佢做阿事頭婆。所以「保留英國君主做佢哋嘅元首」講唔通,(斷估)亦唔合法。* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十一月六號(星期二)格林尼治 14點39分13秒。

I don't understand your logic? could explain a bit more clearly. Should Australian wanted to become a republic, then English monarch (i.e. currently the Queen) will not be their head of state. Now, the purposal in the referendum is rejected, majority of people is in favour of keeping the English monarch (the Queen) as the head of state. What is the problem to say such 保留英國君主做佢哋嘅元首?--WikiCantona 2007年11月6號 (二) 21:46 (UTC)[回覆]

Read en:Commonwealth realms and en:Queen Elizabeth II. The Australian monarchy IS NOT the monarchy of the United Kingdom. The ballot was about Elizabeth as the Queen of Australia. Not Queen of UK. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十一月七號(星期三)格林尼治 01點42分01秒。
Some relevent dicussions: [1][2], You must understand no one will look into the discussion and then read the headline. The section must be clear and precise. noone with their Cantonese native language knows what 女王 refers to. Confusion to even say Queen of Autralian in Cantonese. Only 英女皇 is refered to Queen Elizabeth II in Cantonese. Many people who speak Cantonese don't know for the fact the Queen Elizabeth II is head of the state in Australia. --WikiCantona 2007年11月7號 (三) 03:01 (UTC)[回覆]
  • Quick reply: The Australians want to keep their Queen. That is the kernel of the truth. That their queen is the same queen of the UK is another matter. -* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十一月七號(星期三)格林尼治 03點16分05秒。
  • The point is that conceptually they are keeping their Queen/King as an institution. They are not just keeping Queen Elizabeth. What you have written is inaccurate.* -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十一月七號(星期三)格林尼治 03點24分06秒。
  • Sorry, that is not what I've written but what I translate. Without talking to you, I don't even know the distinction. Learn something everyday. What do you purpose to change make people understand without the extensive knowledge assumed when using 女王 ? --WikiCantona 2007年11月7號 (三) 03:28 (UTC)[回覆]
  • The ballot paper is clear on this. It only says "the Queen". Misinformation is worse than zero information. I do not propose any quick way to explain all that, but only that we must get the facts straight: Australians want their Queen. Subtle issues should be explained in the article proper. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零七年十一月七號(星期三)格林尼治 03點35分31秒。
  • Since there is no article (not even the Queen) about anything on this topic - also, we only describe the result not paraphase it, I say to keep this senstence "保留伊麗莎白二世女王做佢哋嘅元首" until we think of something better. This senstence is not a misinformation at all. Just translational difference from the original. Simply, as discussion before, there are no 100% precise translation with 100% readibility on the same time. --WikiCantona 2007年11月7號 (三) 03:40 (UTC)[回覆]