


二段體ji6 dyun6 tai2binary form)喺音樂上係指一首樂曲分兩大段,而且通常兩段都會重複,即係 A-A-B-B(A 同 B 分別代表咗嗰兩大段)噉嘅樣。



二段體係一種音樂形式(musical form)。喺樂理當中,音樂形式大致係一指一首樂曲結構」係點:一首曲可以分好多段小節,每段小節有若干吓拍子,而小節又可以再細分做若干組,每組有若干段小節,組同組之間成某啲特定嘅關係,噉嘅關係就係所謂嘅音樂形式[1]

二段體指首音樂分兩大段,兩段嘅長度差唔多一樣咁滯。好出名嘅英格蘭民謠綠袖子》(Greensleeves;下圖)就係一首二段體嘅曲,由樂譜度可見,首曲分四段,頭嗰兩段(AA')彼此之間旋律好相似(A' = A 嘅變種),而跟尾嗰兩段(BB')又係彼此之間旋律好相似,形成 AABB 噉嘅二段體形式[2]

\header { tagline = ""  }
\paper { line-width = 340\pt indent = 0 }
\layout { \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }}
\score {
\absolute \transpose c c' { \clef treble \key f \major \time 6/8 \partial 8
\mark "A"  g8 | bes4 c'8 d'8.[e'16 d'8] | c'4 a8 f8.[g16 a8] | bes4 g8 g8.[fis16 g8] a4 fis8 d4 
\bar "" \break
\mark "A′" g8 | bes4 c'8 d'8.[e'16 d'8] | c'4 a8 f8.[g16 a8] | bes8.[a16 g8] fis8.[e16 fis8] | g2.
\bar "||" \break
\mark "B" f'4. f'8.[e'16 d'8] | c'4 a8 f8.[g16 a8] | bes4 g8 g8.[fis16 g8] | a4 fis8 d4. |
\mark "B′" f'4. f'8.[e'16 d'8] | c'4 a8 f8.[g16 a8] | bes8.[a16 g8] fis8.[e16 fis8] | g2. |
\bar "||"
} % transpose
} % score



  1. Musical Form 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2021年9月4號,.. Music appreciation.
  2. Kostka, Payne, Stefan, Dorothy (2009). Tonal Harmony with an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music. 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020: McGraw-Hill. p. 335.