子宮外孕(粵拼:zi2 gong1 ngoi6 jan6,英文:Ectopic pregnancy),係指胚胎喺子宮之外嘅其他部位度著床同發展嘅併發症,多數嘅子宮外孕都會喺輸卵管著床。
- CT of the abdomen showing abdominal ectopic pregnancy
- The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust - Information and support for those who have suffered the condition by a medically overseen and moderated UK based charity, recognised by the National Health Service (UK) Department of Health (UK) and the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
- Brown discharge first trimester - Information and support for pregnant women
- Ectopic Pregnancy: MedlinePlus 醫學百科全書
- The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust
- 子宮外孕