


印度德里輪大米案印地文2012 दिल्ली सामूहिक बलात्कार मामला英文2012 Delhi gang rape)係喺2012年12月16號夜晩印度一個女醫學實習生[參 1]Jyoti Singh Pandey[參 2]德里畀人毆打同埋輪大米[參 3]13日之後喺星加坡死咗。受害者Jyoti同佢條仔Awindra Pandey當日睇完電影之後,搭咗新德里嘅巴士,但係佢哋兩個喺架巴士上面畀五個男人攻擊,之後Jyoti畀人輪大米[參 4][參 5][參 6]12月26號,Jyoti畀印度政府送去星加坡做進一步嘅治療,但係喺12月29號搶救唔到而死。


  1. PTI. "IAP condoles death of Delhi gang-rape victim". Zeenews.com. 喺2012-12-29搵到.
  2. Nada Farhoud, Jalees Andrabi (2013-01-05). "India gang rape victim's father: I want the world to know my daughter's name is Jyoti Singh Pandey". "Daily Mirror". 喺2013-01-06搵到.
  3. "Delhi bus gang rape: 'What is going wrong with our society?'". The Hindustan Times. 2012-12-19. 原著喺2012-12-19歸檔. 喺2012-12-19搵到.
  4. "Delhi gang-rape: victim's friend, also on bus, gives statement in court". NDTV. 2012-12-19. 喺2012-12-19搵到.
  5. "Delhi gang rape victim battles on, undergoes fifth surgery". The Times of India. 2012-12-19. 喺2012-12-19搵到.
  6. "elhi gangrape: doctors say victim is off the ventilator, has 'immense fighting spirit'". The Hindustan Times. 2012-12-21. 原著喺2012-12-22歸檔. 喺2012-12-22搵到.