事實表明,有好多病只要發現得早,都好易醫而且唔會有咩手尾,例如多種嘅癌症都係噉—及早發現好大機會(例如 80-90%)可以生還,而等到有症狀出現嗰時往往已經為時已晚。因為噉,預防醫學界相當重視疾病篩檢嘅問題[1]。
例如唔少研究者都有喺度研究有咩因素會左右一個人肯唔肯做篩檢。例如响 2020 年代初嘅土耳其,估計得嗰 20 至 30% 嘅大人有好好哋定期噉做結腸癌篩檢,於是研究者就做統計分析,睇吓性別、年齡同社經地位等嘅因素會點樣影響一個人有冇好好噉做篩檢,想理解點解某啲人會唔肯做篩檢[2]。再進階啲嘅研究,仲可能會利用營銷學知識,想透過巧妙噉設計廣告嚟鼓勵啲人做篩檢[3]。
[編輯]- ↑ O'Toole, Marie T., ed. (2013). Mosby's medical dictionary (9th ed.). St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby. Kindle loc. 145535. ISBN 978-0-323-08541-0. OCLC 788298656. screening, n., 1. a preliminary procedure, such as a test or examination, to detect the most characteristic sign or signs of a disorder that may require further investigation.
- ↑ Tekiner, S., Peker, G. C., & Doğan, M. C. (2021). Colorectal cancer screening behaviors. PeerJ, 9, e10951.
- ↑ Alhawamdeh, A. K., Alghizzawi, M., & Habes, M. (2020). The relationship between media marketing advertising and encouraging Jordanian women to conduct early detection of breast cancer. Eur J Bus Manag, 130-5.
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